Like it was yesterday

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I first fell in love with your eyes.
The way they lit up with energy.
I found myself coming back to you over and over.
I just want to hold you for a minute longer,
A second longer,
I just want to hold you.
The way you fit so perfectly in my arms.
The way your hips curve and your nose wrinkles.
The way your lips feel against mine.
Oh wow you're electrifying, a zing of warmth runs through me before I melt into you.
And you're so gorgeous, god you're so so beautiful.
I just want mornings under the covers and your body next to mine.
I'll wake up and make you tea while I let out our lizard Paul out.
Thanks for letting me keep all my crazy pets by the way.
And I'll try to bake pumpkin bread for you while you and Paul sleep in the warm comfy bed.
And I'll probably burn it.
And you'll laugh at the mess.
And I'll tell you to hush even though I'm laughing to.
And then I'll grab you by the waist and kiss your adorable face.
And think about how cute you look in my shirt.
And I would get ready for work only to decide to call in sick because god I love you.
I'll find you in our sunroom tending to the plants that you'll end up killing.
Then we'll cuddle our day away and I'll kiss every freckle on your face.
After that you will help me in the kitchen and make sure I don't burn dinner.
And I'm not saying it will be perfect,
But it'll be pretty damn close.
And I know that no matter what happens to us,
I'll always love you,

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