Useless Youth

17 5 1

Drip drip drip.
One more sip.
Just one more drop from the liquor cabinet.

Glop glop glop.
I can't stop.
I feel like my head is about to pop.

Buzz buzz buzz.
Burning lungs.
My body feels like it's full of fuzz.

Free free free.
I hate me.
I just want to forget, so leave me be.

Ring ring ring.
Church bells sing.
I'm six feet under but at least I'm happy.

Beep beep beep.
Alarm clock peeps.
This whole time, I guess I was asleep.

Gloat gloat gloat.
The liquor burns my throat.
One last sip that'll make me croak.

Laugh laugh laugh.
My lifespan cut in half.
All those mean kids can kiss my ass.

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