I had no idea I wrote this

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I held the smoking glass gateway to my lips as I drew in a breath of hot burning smoke.
My throat stung
My lungs caught fire
My head went static
And my stomach wretched.
I swallowed down the puff and let out a few wheezy coughs.

Damn that hurt.

The hint of an ashy nut taste lingered across my burning tongue.
10 minutes passed and a glass of wine had found its way down my throat.
The acrid smooth taste that left me more thirsty than before rushed through my body.

Stoned and drunk.

What a hilarious combination.
The feeling of weightlessness and of being "too heavy" at the same time.
The ability to disassociate whenever I please has really grown on me.
One quick snap back to reality then I can put my head back in the clouds.

Silence had set me free.
Tangled in this web of intoxicated luxury.
A single tiny leaf of trippy green.
And a full glass of wine making me feel like a static screen.

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