[6] Failure

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A/n: Before this begins I would like to say. I'm working on requests I'm just kinda jumping between multiple oneshots at a time. But I was on Instagram recently and I've fallen in love with @/sasuart 's comic and they recently posted a new part to it and I got hit with inspiration. So this story is HIGHLY inspired by Sasuart on Instagram. It's not a complete dialogue copy of the comic because I wanted to give it my own little flare so I wasn't straight up copying this talented artist.

"You don't talk about your past, I don't want to pry" the blondes attention turned to look at the RK200, his eyes only lingering for a moment before he turned his head to look back at the setting sun. "But what did you do before? I know your specific model was generally family care... but what led you to deviation?" The PL600 quietly sighed, his eyes turning to look back at the blue and green eyed male. "Does it matter?" The blondes words were not defensive, instead they held a genuine curiosity to them.

"It doesn't." The RK200 took a few steps forward, his eyes on the PL600 in curiosity as he continued. "But I want to get to know you better" Simon turned to look back at the sunset, his hands clenching before he sighed once more. "I wasn't bought to be a household android, I was an android who worked at the children's shelter, many of these children came from poor family's who couldn't care for their children." The blonde closed his eyes, his hands relaxing at his sides as he recalled events before his deviations.

"Their parents hated and blamed androids for their financial troubles and many followed in their parents footsteps." He opened his eyes once more and focused on the changing colours of the sky. "The children didn't trust us at first, they hated us, but eventually they opened up, told us of their past, their fears... we were... like a new family to them." A small smile pulled at the androids lips as he spoke, his eyes moving to look at the RK200. "They were family for me as well, I was happy back then" the smile that pulled at the androids lips soon disappeared, his eyes downcast as he continued. "Sometimes a child would leave us... to go back to their families... but that wasn't always the best decision."

"Some were highly abusive, but with enough money there was no problem to take them back 'home'" Simon's hands clench and he shook his head slowly. "Like the day... when I..." the solemn look returned to the androids feature, his posture slack and lacking any motive. "Many of them had already deviated... and if I hadn't been so over come by my emotions... they would still be alive.... if I hadn't run after beating that guy...." Markus remained quiet, his eyes on the distraught PL600. "Every android working at the children's shelter were brought back to CyberLife, and they had their memories erased. They said it was a bug with the most recent update... I was the reason so many of our people died..."

*Time Skip*

They were cornered, guns raised and aimed to kill. Simon looked to Markus, eyes on him for a moment before he looked back to the armed men and women who had their guns trained on the androids. His eyes scanned, searching for a way out, or some way to prevent the inevitable. "Simon!" All eyes had seemed to move at the exact same time, moving to the source of the yell, and a few guns were quick to aim at the source. Simon's stressed levels skyrocketed as he watched a 12 year old jump down from the barricade eyes focused purely on the PL600 as she ran towards him. Simon stepped forward, his hand held out towards the armed unit in attempt to stop them from pulling the trigger. His eyes moved back to the child as she ran to the android, a smile painting her features. "Wai-"

The shot taken echoed through the streets, and everything seemed to go into a standstill as the girl stumbled over her own feet, her eyes on the blonde PL600 before she fell forward. Her fall however was stopped by the blonde as he had run forward, his arms wrapping around the younger girls body, cradling her as he lowered himself to the ground. Laying the girl down on the snow, her blood covered ground. "Y/n! No no no no no, look you'll be okay" the desperation in the androids voice had the humans lowering their guns, as the PL600 desperately tried to stop the the bleeding from her neck. "Okay.... you'll... you'll be fine" 

Y/n's breaths were uneven, her eyes focused on the blonde, his hand over the wound inflicted to the girls neck by the armed military (??? Riot unit???). Simon's stress levels slowly started raising as the child's chances of surviving decreased dramatically. "Y/n.... you-you have to stay awake. Okay? Stay awake" Y/n's eyes would close for seconds at a time before she would force them back opened again, her eyes moving to focus on the PL600 before her eyes closed once again. "Please...."

The crunching of snow beneath shoes caused the PL600 to tense, his eyes moving to look to his right. "Simon" a hand being place on the blondes shoulder caused him to snap his head in the direction the voice, blue met with blue and green.
"Call in a ambulance" the sudden closeness of an unwanted voice had caused the blonde to stand, his eyes running over the girls vitals quickly before he turned to the male walking towards the two androids. Her chances of survival rapidly decreasing into the single digits, and as her survival chances dropped Simon's stress levels rapidly increased.

"Calm down Simon" the PL600 took a step forward, his hands shooting out in front of him to push the male away from him and the girl. "You shot a human! One of your own!" As the male landed on the ground a few feet from where he stood the sound of multiple guns being shifted filled the air. Their eyes on the android who now had his fingers wrapped tightly around a pistol. "Hold your fire!" Simon looked down to his hands, his eyes widening a fraction before he turned his attention to the 12 year old, his eyes scanning a moment before his stress levels reached 100%. He looked back to the pistol in his hands before he lifted the gun, the barrel stopping below his chin.


B A N G!

"The victim of the unfortunate misfire was a 12 year old girl, she resided in the local Children's Shelter. The android she had been running to was a PL600, who went by the name Simon. He was the android who's care focused around the 12 year old two years prior to incident that resulted in the death of both Y/n L/n and Simon." Markus, North and Josh all silently watched as the news replayed. The words of the anchorman echoing through the room. "Following the event of this unfortunate event President Warren has agreed to meet with the androids leader, Markus. In the following weeks things will be arranged to solidify the existence of androids as a new species." A photo of the PL600 and the girl when she was 9 was shown, her hand tightly gripping Simon's hand as she hid partially behind the blonde.

"Without them we wouldn't be here, being able to talk with the president to be freed." Markus stayed quiet, his eyes on the screen as a viewer discretion is advised warning showed up. Following the warning was the exact moment when the child had run forward. "Both Simon and a Human child died North" the news channel continued to play the clip, and in the seconds following the first of two shots was fired. The other two androids silenced themselves as they turned to look at the Tv once more. Their eyes watching as Simon pushed one of the riot unit members away, in his hand, barely visible was a hand gun. "All of us would be dead if it weren't for them." Markus turned from the screen as he saw the PL600 lift the gun, before another shot went off.

A/n: after finishing this..... I'm not proud of it but I haven't posted in awhile and I put a lot of time into this. So....

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