Chapter Nine

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"Go on a ride with you? What do you mean?" He smiled gently.

"Well, the look in your eyes when I told you I had a motorcycle... you just looked excited," I smiled.

"Really? You'd take me?" he nodded and I grabbed a sweatshirt, slipping it on with my shoes.

"Don't be back late kids," Harlow said, grabbing her phone and getting on Instagram.

When I got in the elevator, my smile must have been very wide, because Max was smiling gently down at me.

"So, I'm guessing you've never been on a motorcycle," we got off the elevator and made our way to the parking lot.

"Correct," I spotted his motorcycle right away. It was the only one. I was surprised they let him have it on campus. He was a sophomore, though, "My Dad never let me because he thought they would ruin is Image," the motorcycle was sleek in black and silver and was very clean. I ran my hand across the metal and Max smiled.

"Wait, your Dad's image?" he asked. I nodded.

"My Dad is complicated. I know he loves me, but sometimes, it's like he loves himself more. He is always at work. He even," I cleared my throat, "he's trying to get me to date his favorite worker. he talks about us getting married, and it's getting to the point where..." I spaced out again.

"I get it," Max handed me a helmet and I strapped it on my head. He put on one of his own, but it was less armor and more looks.

Okay, it's going to be fast, so once we start, either wrap your arms around my waist or get a firm grip on my shoulders," I nodded and secured my arms around his waist. I felt him take in a breath and he started the engine. it was quieter than I thought it could be and came to the conclusion he was being loud on purpose earlier.

When we were out on the road I felt free. The wind hit me fast, and I gripped Max's waist. At one point, I got brave enough to shift my hands to his shoulders and ease the tension in my back. It was like riding a fast bike, which, essentially, was what it was. I watched the sunset and the sky darken as we rode by the river. It was so beautiful, I almost leaned my head on Max's back to thank him. Almost. We weren't on that level.

Max went along the highway but ended up going back to campus before I wanted. To my surprise, he parked in the quaint parking lot of the Corner Cafe.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I know you like it here and thought it would be a fun way to end our adventure," I smiled at him.

"It is a good way, Max,"

"Let's go then," I bounced along the sidewalk and entered the little coffee shop.

"Rose? You're here late. Normally I get the stressed kids hopped up on caffeine at this time," Becky looked at her watch and I laughed.

"Well, maybe I'm hopped up on caffeine," I tease. She shakes her head.

"Finch! Come out here a minute," she called in the back. I glanced at Max. He looked uncomfortable. It took a lot of my strength not to laugh.

"What's wrong Becky?" a man entered from the back.

"This is Rose," the man extended his hand and I shook it eagerly.

"It's nice to meet you. My wife has told me a lot about you,"

"The pleasure is mine," I said. We made small talk, but I ended the conversation before it got too far to save Max.

When we got to my corner booth, Max sat across from me and sighed.

"I thought you'd never stop talking," I smiled.

"I didn't want to bore you. Sorry," he paused.

"Don't be. it's fine," Becky asked what we wanted from the counter. I ordered my usual and Max ordered a black coffee.

"Black? I can't drink black coffee," I shook my head.

"Well when I was younger, all we had in the house sometimes was coffee. We didn't have cream or sugar. So I grew to love it," I nodded.

"I guess I would learn to love it if it was all I had. I'm grateful for cream and sugar,"

"Why don't you go to Starbucks or something," he asked. I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?" I was confused by the sudden question.

"Well, this place is outshined by the Starbucks just outside of campus. Why don't you go there?" I shrugged.

"it's cliché, and it never grew on me. I like the quiet. The old. My mother used to take me to coffee shops with this. That was when people actually read books. I love that people read. Noe people are on their phones or laptops. This place, to me, represents that. Bare. exposed. Just love," he nodded and finch set down our mugs.

"That's deep. I wasn't expecting a deep answer," I laughed and drank my coffee. We didn't talk much the rest of the evening, even though my brain was burning with questions.

Max drove me back to the dorm and I gave him his helmet back before thanking him and walking into the dorm.

"You guys were gone for a while. How was the ride?" Harlow asked as soon as I got in the door.

"Fun. I never knew to ride a motorcycle could feel so free," I took off my jacket and shoes.

"Did you go anywhere after?" I nodded.

"We went to the Corner Cafe. It was nice," Harlow smiled wickedly at me.

"I ship it,"


"Oh, come on, you're a book lover. You have to know what that means,"

"I know what that means, I was just wondering if I heard you correctly," I shook my head and I stripped off my clothes and put on an oversized T-shirt.

"And no, I don't think you should ship it. Max and I have known each other for a week and a half. That's it. Keep that in mind,"

"I am. Just think, this is how romance novels get started,"

"How much do you know about romance novels?" I raised my eyebrows at her as I crawled under my covers.

"I've read one. Once. Maybe. At least, I think it was a romance novel. I'm not so sure anymore. But trust me, I know Romance," I rolled my eyes but turned out the light and flipped to face Harlow, whose face was illuminated by her phone screen.

"Speaking of romance, what's with you and Jet?" I asked. She groaned and turned toward me.

"Well, Jet and I were never a 'thing' in most peoples terms. We started out as friends with benefits, but we grew to more. I knew he was no good, but he swore he would keep me and only me," she gulped.

"One day, I found out when I was on a trip with my family, Jet slept with Belle when I wasn't there. When I confronted him, he said he did, but only as a backup to me. We argued, and I realized then, I wanted more than a friend with benefits thing," I nodded.

"Well, I can see that. Has he apologized?" she shook her head.

"Not yet. I can tell he wants to, but his damn pride gets in the way," she sighed.

"he told me he'd stop sleeping with Belle. But I just can't trust him anymore. I guess I'm just stupid," I sighed for her.

"Harlow, trust me, you're not stupid," I flipped to my other side.

"You're experienced,"

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