twenty-three ⭐ fucking jawn, my god

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in the studio

AWSTEN, PATTY and JAWN are all packing up their things to get ready for their flight in a couple of hours. Benjamin was supposed to come but he got in a car accident on the way there.

AWSTEN: You know, not to be rude or anything, but I'm kind of hoping Benji's accident was just bad enough that he's okay but also bad enough so he doesn't have to join us.

JAWN: That's a terrible thing to say.

AWSTEN: [throws a pick at him] Get outta here, stinky.

JAWN: Alright, alright. [winks at AWSTEN before he leaves.] Have fun.

AWSTEN bites his lip while failing to suppress a smile. He sighs when his friend exits the room.

AWSTEN: We need to talk.

PATTY: About what?

AWSTEN: There's something that's been on my mind recently and I just... I want to know what it is.

PATTY: Well?

AWSTEN: [lowers voice] That night, you know, the night we... had sex... me and you had exchanged words, words of which you told me again. Except it was only my words. You never told me yours.

PATTY: Mine?


PATTY: I didn't tell you what I said for a reason, Aws.

AWSTEN: Was it that bad?

PATTY: I don't know. It's just stuff I want to keep to myself and my confidant.

AWSTEN: Yeah but don't you think I deserve to know what you had said to me? I mean, you told me anyway when I was drunk so what difference does it make now that I'm sober?

PATTY: I was drunk too, it wasn't like I was intending to tell you anyway.

AWSTEN: Patty. I am very conflicted about certain things right now and I need to know what you spoke about that night, because if I'm shielded from that-- [takes off his ring] then I can't get married with a clear conscience. [opens PATTY's hand; goes to a whisper] If you don't tell me what happened... [puts his ring in PATTY's hand] then this will never happen to us. I want to know we won't ever have a wedge between us like I do with him. There's something that's yet to be fulfilled and I just... [beings to cry] I just want to be able to feel safe someday, is all. I just want us to be okay, whether or not we're friends, or even something more. That's it. We can't have something like this, something which is currently so mundane ruin what we have. Because obviously if something this little hurts our relationship, then what will other, bigger things, the marriage, do to us? So please, Patty, please just tell me what you told me then. [slips his ring back on]

PATTY: [hesitantly] I told you I l-

JAWN barges in, killing the mood and putting a sinking feeling into AWSTEN'S stomach. He has to wait even longer to know what Patty spoke to him.

JAWN: Hey, uh, Aws, this letter came in at your place. Geoff said you should read it ASAP.

AWSTEN: Stop saying ASAP, dumbass. [takes the letter, noticing the initials on the top. He pulls it to his chest, fear boiling inside him.] W-where is he?

JAWN: Downstairs... why?

PATTY and JAWN watch as AWSTEN races down the stairs in search of his fiancé. He's scared to read it.

Why would they send a second letter?


another short chapter, yes, but at least it's influential towards the plot.

i told my mom about lewis and she asked if she should be concered lol


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