forty-nine ⭐ a night of fun turns into regret

58 4 61

tw: rape, self-harm.

not edited very well

"Owl Coordinate! You're out in ten!"

A smile pulled at my lips as our name gets called. It's always exciting to hear that and know they're talking to me. I'm in a band with my best friends who actually love and support me.

Awsten sits alone on a torn up old barstool gently tuning his guitar. He looks sad, like a piece of himself is missing. Maybe he had a fight with Geoff about Patty or something.

A hand lands on my shoulder, rubbing it softly. They lean into my ear, beginning to whisper soft words into my head.

"How are you, Jude?" He says in his very high-pitched voice.

"Good. You?" I reply, biting my lip when our eyes meet. We had a little bit of fun before tour ended, and the pleasure released from me has turned into an infatuation.

"A bit lonely," he nods towards Awsten. "Where's his bitchass of a fiancé?"

I pull his hand into mine. "Getting drunk, I guess. I haven't seen him since we got here,"

He makes me move over so he can plop himself next to me. Patty pushes his arm behind us, moving it towards my back. I know what he's trying to do, he's not smooth. "That's unfortunate,"

His arms wrap around my waist, and I lean onto his shoulder. I wish he could be mine.


After the show.

AWSTEN: [to the band] Me and Geoff are going home.

JUDI acknowledges him.

JUDI: Patty and I will be staying for a few drinks.

AWSTEN: You're eighteen.

JUDI: He's buying them for me.

AWSTEN: Don't get too drunk.

JUDI: I won't.

GEOFF: [to AWSTEN] Awsten, you ready?


GEOFF: Alright, let's go.

They don't say goodbye.

JUDI: [to PATTY] What's up with you and Awsten?

PATTY: It's nothing. [smiles] Let's go get those drinks!

They head to the bar, where Patty orders two beers and a speciality unique to the bar.

JUDI: Thank you.

PATTY: You're welcome.

A couple next to them talk silently, the woman acting particularly childish. She calls her boyfriend Daddy, and JUDI immediately realizes what's going on between the two. She sighs in response.

PATTY: What?

JUDI: I wish I had a daddy.

PATTY: Really?

JUDI: Yep. Wholesome Judi is desperate for a daddy, both sexually and non-sexually.

PATTY: Oh shit.

but do we dare split apart? // ig // gawsten/pawstenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant