twenty-seven ⭐ bloody bottles and razor sharp tongues

72 4 41


The second opening band finishes their set, giving the freshly named band only ten minutes to set up and get prepared. Pre-show jitters fills the air making everyone excited. AWSTEN and PATTY don't talk as much as they usually do, and just about everybody notices.

AWSTEN: [To Judi] You excited to play your first show?

JUDI: [puts hand on her hip, accusingly] What's up with you and Patty?

AWSTEN: Nothing; why?

JUDI: I read his dms. I know how you two-- [lowers voice] --how you two feel about each other. I know everything, Aws. You're too close to suddenly break apart. What happened?

AWSTEN: There was a post on Instagram that exposed something of me and Patty's and now people are slowly learning about it, meaning soon even Geoff will.

JUDI: What was it?

AWSTEN: We hid messages in our photos and someone found out.

JUDI: Shit.


GEOFF: The crew is taking our gear out there, so we'll be going on soon. [To JUDI] You ready?

JUDI: [smiles] I'm nervous. I hope I do good for them.

GEOFF: I'm sure you will. Hey, I want you to help me with a tradition that me and Awsten came up with when we met.

JUDI: Okay! Let's do it.

The two leave to go look out the curtain and into the crowd. AWSTEN watches silently, proud of his two kids. Geoff had never imagined himself being happy at almost thirty and Judi had never thought she'd have a successful career in music. Just as he was thinking about their accomplishments, someone grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close. He could easily tell by the grip who it was, but instead of smiling like he usually does, he sighed.

AWSTEN: Patty.

PATTY: Aws, I'm sorry. I am. Please accept my apology. Please.

AWSTEN: I already did.

PATTY: [kisses him behind his ear] It didn't feel sincere.

AWSTEN leans into his lover's touch. They're too comforting for his own good.

PATTY: How about, after the show, we go and have some alone time? Maybe [kisses AWSTEN'S neck] something we haven't done for a while.

A smile spreads across AWSTEN'S face, but is quickly broken when he notices the sound of a camera snapping. Both men look over to where the sound came from. JAWN pokes up from behind a large black seat, which makes him unnoticeable in the dim lighting.

PATTY: Jawn...?

JAWN: I'm sorry.

PATTY: Leave, please?

JAWN: B-but-

PATTY: Leave.

JAWN leaves them behind, making sure to avoid Geoff and Judi. A few minutes later the band is called onstage. First Awsten, Geoff, then Patty and Judi. But something's not right.

The crowd boos once Patty comes onstage. Geoff smirks as he adjusts his ear monitor.

AWSTEN: [holds out a hand for PATTY] It's okay. Just keep going.

PATTY nods, turning around to face away from the crowd. Judi wipes the tears flowing down his face. She whispers a few words to him then hugs him for comfort. He accepts kindly.

but do we dare split apart? // ig // gawsten/pawstenWhere stories live. Discover now