fifty-nine ⭐ the biggest family

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underscoregeoff There's something we definitely need to discuss. It's concerning Awsten and his mental health. A few nights ago, my fiancé, a best friend, your idol, attempted suicide and was put into surgery for a liver transplant and intestinal reconstructive surgery. We waited for six whole hours before finding out he was pulled out to rest. He woke up two hours later, telling me he was sorry over and over again. I helped him understand that he had nothing to be sorry for, and that he was worth living for. That led to a private conversation filled with tears and things he said he wanted me to share with you. So, per his request, I will list some things we wants you guys to know.
- He shot himself twice.
- He stabbed himself twice.
- The fandom is not to blame for his mental health, but rather his own personal demons are.
- He feels bad for not thinking about how this would affect you guys. He said he apologizes for all the tears this brings to our fans.
- He does not want this shared through any video press outlet, such as the news or online videos. Strictly articles.
- Do NOT harass anyone associated with TOC for info on this situation.
- Do not tag him in get well soon posts/articles online.
- Do not send any get well soon letters or gifts to our P.O box.
- He does not want to be reminded of his attempt to any degree whatsoever.
- Do not comment get well soon wishes on his posts, and do not message him anything as such to his DMs.
- But most importantly, do NOT follow in his footsteps and attempt suicide. It's not worth it. Life is more amazing than you could ever imagine when you're with the people you love.
Please make sure to follow according to his wishes. We all want him to get better, but he can only do so with your help. We're not asking for much. We are family here, and this one is a caring one, so I beg for you to keep it that way.

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pawsten can't wait to see which piece of shit doesn't listen
jatty @pawsten let's beat them up 😤
younme_luckyppl someone already reported this to the news station in san fran 😬
gawsten please remember to keep this within the fandom and don't let it spread...

but do we dare split apart? // ig // gawsten/pawstenWhere stories live. Discover now