Rowen (or Weno): Accidental Kiss AU by Summer Cheng

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   Just to make it clear, in this story, Romeo and Wendy are not too young to like each other.  They are both in their early twenties in this one.  As in Romeo is twenty-three, and Wendy is twenty-one.  

    Now on with the story...

      Romeo drives to the local market.  He goes inside to purchase some lettuce, spinach, carrots, figs, grapes, strawberries, bread, cheese, eggs, and milk.   He accidentally bumps into a young lady he has not seen in a while.  He watches in horror as she falls down flat on her face.

    Wendy is in the same place as Romeo.  She too is after a few groceries.  She looks around for some chocolate when someone knocks into her and she trips.  She feels awkward as she hits her face by accident.  She hears a familiar voice pipe up,  "Wendy Marvel is that you?  I have not seen you in ages!"

     Wendy stands up and reaches for the peaches she lost grip of in the fall.  She looks up to see the owner of the voice.  She gasps when she recognizes him as none other than Romeo her crush!  Whoa, as if things were not a mess already as it is for her!  She smiles.  "H-Hi, R-Romeo!  I have not seen you in years!"

    "What brings you here?"  Romeo asks as he helps her pick up the fruit.  He does not wait for an answer as he feels his face form a blush across it.  He hands her the last peach as their hands' touch. 

    "I thought that should be obvious!  I came here to buy a few food supplies just as you did Romeo."   Wendy says.

   "Ah, I see!  It was great to see you again!"  Romeo says.

   "Yes, well, it was nice to see you too!" Wendy remarks.

   " By the way do you have plans tonight?"  Romeo ask.  He thinks that perhaps, he was not too blunt to ask such a thing.  After all, he was the one to knock her down.  It is not as if he should expect her to want to spend time with him just because they happen to be in the same market place that day.  

   Much to his surprise, Wendy grins!  She tucks a stray hair behind her left ear and manages to reply,  "I  am not busy.  I was just about to go have a typical single person's dinner and reruns of  Gunsmoke.  Then I was gonna sip some lemonade and watch Jeopardy!" 

    Romeo laughs.  "Oh, well then, in that case, would you be okay with my place instead for the meal?  We could still watch the Gunsmoke reruns if you wish.  We could even have the lemonade!   It just so happens I made a fresh batch this morning!" Romeo remarks.

    "Sure, that would be great!  However, I would need to go to my place to put away my stuff first.  Plus, I have no idea where you live!"  Wendy states.

    "Oh, here is my address!"  Romeo says as he hands her a notecard with his name and address written across it.

     "Wow, thanks!  Oh, and here is my number!"   She hands him a slip of paper with her name and phone number on it. 

     "Thanks, Wendy!" 

    "Your welcome!  Well, see you later!"  

          She gets back to her list.  She finds the other items in no time. She gets to the register and pays for the items. She heads on home after she gets them into her car.  She arrives at her apartment in about fifteen minutes as she does not live far from the food place.

      She parks her car, gets out, closes the door, gets the goods out of the trunk, carries them inside, puts them away, and changes out of work clothes.  She puts on a black dress with pink flower prints on it, a black hairband, and pink shoes.  Finally, she adds a few accessories such as a pair of pink flamingo earrings, and a pink bracelet.  

Fairy Tail one-shot stories by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now