Lisanna and Loke (LoLis or Lislok) AU one shot story by Summer Cheng

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   *Author's Note: Do not copy this or any of my other stories, nor my user name here or my youtube channel name. Happy Reading!  Sincerely, Summer Cheng.

         Lissana Strauss works hard at her flower garden.  She pulls at the weeds.  She gets a few up.  Then, she uses her shovel to dig up a few stray trees that she finds inside the flower beds. She unburies a rock near her azalea bush.   She continues with this for quite awhile, so she does not notice when Loke shows up at her place.

      Loke takes a look around after he parks his scooter  in the driveway at his girlfriend, Lissana's  place.  He wonders, where could she be?  He thinks it strange he has not seen her  since he got here.  He looks around more  until he finally sees her. 

     "Lisanna,  wow!  you have dirt all over you!"  Loke remarks.

     "Yes, I know.  I  have been busy with the yard work."  Lissana says.

     "Oh, I get it!  you have been busy with pulling up weeds."  Loke remarks.

       "Yes, that is it."  Lisanna says.

       "Well, what would you like for supper?"  Loke ask

      "Supper?"  Lisanna responds.

      "Yes, it  is 5:00 pm.  What would you like to eat?"  Loke ask her.

      "I would like some rice and tacos."  Lisanna remarks.

      "Okay, sounds good.  I will take you out then."  Loke says.

      "I will get ready."  Lisanna says.  She goes inside to her room.  She washes her face, changes her clothes, brushes her hair, grabs her purse and  heads outside where Loke waits for her.  

       "Whoa, that dress looks really nice on you!"  Loke remarks.

       "You really think so?"  Lisanna remarks.

       "Think so?  I know you do.  In fact, you are beautiful as ever! "  Loke says.

           Lisanna smiles.  She and Loke ride to the restaurant on his electric  scooter as his car is in the shop.  She does not mind though.  She is just happy to be able to spend time with him. 

         They arrive safely at the taco place.  Once inside Loke orders for himself and her.  He is knows by now the types of tacos she enjoys.  Loke and Lissanna wait at a table in the back for the food to be ready. The couple talks about their day.   When the food is ready they enjoy steamed rice, along with chicken tacos with  cheddar  cheese, sour cream, mango and peach salsa, black beans, tomato and no lettuce.  Soon after they finish, they get back on the scooter and head over to her place.

       Lisanna invites Loke to stay the night since it begins to rain.  She is full of excitement. She feels a bit nervous because this is the first time they have ever had a sleepover.  She has no ideas what she should do.  She decides that maybe the two couple play a game, or watch a movie.

      "Loke want to watch a movie?"  Lisanna says.  

      "No, but thanks for the offer."  Loke remarks.

      "Hmm, then what about a game?  "  Lisanna says.

       "yes, a video game would be nice."  Loke says.

          Lisanna laughs.  She thinks it is funny he assumes she speaks about video games.  She only has board games and card games. She giggles some more.

      "I do not have any video games.  How about a card game instead?"  Lisanna responds.

      "In that case how about Uno?  You do have that game right?"  Loke ask.

      "Yes, here it is sweetheart." Lisanna says.  

            Lisanna and Loke play a nice round of Uno.   They have a great  time!  Loke wins!  Lisanna is a good sport.  She fixes some cookies and milk.  The two enjoy the snack and drink.  

         At some point, Loke hears it thunder outside.  The thunder has lightning to follow it.   He looks over at Lissanna. He sees her cry.  

     Loke states, "Lisanna, what is the matter?  The storm outside can not hurt us."  

  "I know, but it just reminds me about my sister.  This makes me rather sad."  Lisanna says.

    " Your sister, how exactly does a thunderstorm remind you of her?"  Loke ask.

     "She died a few years ago.  It was during a thunderstorm similar to this one."  Lisanna says.

     "What?  How ?" Loke ask.

     "She was on a walk with her boyfriend when a storm came up. She got hit by lightning.  The lightning hurt her so much that she died."  Lisanna explains.

      "Oh, how dreadful!  I am so sorry, I never knew. "  Loke says as he hugs her gently.  He feels her hug him back.   He does not say another word.  He just holds her in his arms.  

       Loke  hears her sniffle.  Lisanna stops when she falls asleep.  Loke gently carries her in his arms to her room.  He sets her down on her bed.  He decides it best to stay with her.  He is does not want to risk the chance she wakes up.  He lays down beside her, and holds her close until he falls asleep next to her.

      The next day...

       Lisanna wakes up to hear someone snore.  She wonders, who is it that snores next to her.  She moves just a little to see.  She gasps when she sees her boyfriend, Loke.  She thinks, whoa, what could this mean?  She blushes from embarrassment as she has no ideas what took place last night!  She thinks, that maybe they did something that she forgets.  How is she too know the truth.   Little does she know how her imagination carries away with itself.  

     A few months later,  Lisanna and Loke get engaged!  They can not wait to get married!  They plan to do this soon, especially since there is not too many people they know.  They might as well have a small wedding.

     Six months later...

        Lisanna and Loke  get  married!  

       The wedding goes well until Lucy trips and spills some punch all over the brides dress at the reception!  The dress now has a huge stain across the front.  To make matters worse, Natsu yells at Loke for the punch bowl being so close by and Loke yells back at him since it was Natsu's  wife to make a mess of his wife.

       Gray laughs.  Juvia takes photos.  Levy feels sorry for Lisanna as she sees tears form in the girls face.  Gajeel wraps an arm around Levy which makes her blush.  Jellal and Ezra try to get Natsu and Loke to calm down.

      By the end of the night, Loke has to deal with a black eye while on his honeymoon with Lisanna.  Natsu has a hurt arm, and Lucy is in tears.  Lisanna is not to happy with her husband right now.  She thinks, how dare he put up such a fuss over everything!  It is not like Lucy spilt the drink on purpose.  Plus, she happens to know for a fact Lucy is pregnant.  This makes her even more furious with Loke.

     "Loke, this day has been nothing, but a complete and utter disaster!"  Lisanna says.

     "I am sorry, darling.  It is just I know how much it meant for you to wear your mothers dress. It really made me upset.  I never meant for anyone to be hurt.  Honest, I did call Natsu and apologize for any trouble I made.  I even spoke to Lucy and told her sorry for being so harsh with her.  She says it is alright that she was just more emotional than usual because of the baby and all."  Loke remarks.

    "Well then, in that case maybe it is not so bad, after all, darling!"  Lisanna says.

    "I could not agree more."  Loke says.  He leans in and kisses his wife there in the privacy of the hotel room.

      the end...Lisanna and Loke (LoLis or  LisLok)  AU  one-shot story by Summer Cheng.




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