Zerem AU Car Thief? one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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          Zeref is at the gas station when hears a woman scream!  He rushes over to her to see if she is okay.   He looks at her, notices her lovely blue eyes and blonde hair.  He wonders who is this beauty before his eyes. He smiles at her.  

        "Who are you?" Zeref ask.

         "I am Mavis, but that man just stole my car!"  Mavis remarks.  She points in the direction of the bright blue car that a man whitish gray hair is behind the stirring wheel of  right now.  

         Zeref  runs towards the car, reaches into the open window,and tries to turn the car off.  The crook drives away with Zeref's head inside the vehicle now.  

         The criminal  swerves hard to the left and goes to fast!  As a result, Zeref is  flung  away from it and falls backwards to the ground.  He screams from the pain.  He has a headache now, and feels a small bump on the back of his head.  He lays there in agony and thinks, great now I will die for sure.  He passes out from shock.

        Mavis who saw the entire thing feels sorry for him. She waits though until her car with the bad person inside is no longer in sight.  She goes over to Zeref.  She gasps when she sees he does not move.  She must get him out of the road quickly.  She  takes off her scarf, wraps it around his leg, and  slowly drags him to the sidewalk.  Once there, she checks his pulse.  She breathes a sigh of relief that he is alive.  She is glad that he did not die in his attempt to help her stop the crook.

      The gas station attendant who saw everything too calls the police. 

      The police arrive to find Zeref and Mavis on the sidewalk area nearby. The officers question her and she is hysterical.   "Please, help him!  He only meant to help me to stop the robber." Mavis says.  "Who did this, Miss?"  An officer says.  "I do not know him.   Only that he has grayish white hair, and has on a blue shirt. He is the one who took my car."  Mavis states.  "Miss, I am sorry someone did this and we will do all we can to get it back.  Right now though we must wait for help to arrive for him though."   The police officer says. 

     *Author's note:  The police refers to Zeref when he speaks about "him"  needing help.*   

        When the parademics arrive  they take Zeref to the hospital and since the woman appears to be upset they take her there too.  Maybe, she can see a shrink or something.  Who really knows?   They get Zeref to a room where they run some test.   Mavis is put in a room to have someone keep a close eye on her too.

       Lucy arrives as soon as she can to the hospital.  Why she can hardly believe what she hears on the radio, her own sister's  car was taken and some innocent bystander, apparently a man in this case was hurt when he offers his assitance to her.   Oh, goodness!  How does Mavis always find herself in such rough spots anyway?   This is Lucy's  thoughts on her way there.

      Upon arrival at her destination, she parks the car, gets out, locks it and goes inside the huge hospital in front of her.  It is the only one in town. She often wonders why Mangolina has only one of these.  It would be nice if there were more that is for sure.  However, there are more important things at stake  right now such as her sisters well being.  Lucy goes to check up on Mavis.  Much to her relief  Mavis is asleep for the moment.  She is unsure what to do now.  She exits the room and hears a man call out " where is she?    Where is Mavis?  Is she okay?   Tell me, I must know."    Lucy sneaks into the room as the nurse exits it.

       "Hi, I am Lucy!  I am Mavis, sister.  I want you to know I just saw her.  She appears to be fine. She is  asleep."  Lucy says.

     "Oh, okay, thanks Miss Lucy.  I am glad she was not hurt."  Zeref says.

     "She might not have been, but what about you?   you look you were badly hurt."  Lucy says.

      "Oh, that might be true, but it does not matter anyway.  It is not like anyone would miss me if I did die."  Zeref says.

       "I find that hard to be true."  Lucy says.

      "Believe it or not, it is true."  Zeref says.

          Two weeks later,  Zeref is back at his place.  Mavis is at her place now too.   Both of them are just fine.   Zeref goes to work, but the entire time wonders what has become of the woman he met weeks ago.  This Mavis girl intrigues him though he is not sure why she does. 

        Mavis car was found by the authorities.  It was still in one piece much to everyone's  surprise.  The only damage done to it was one of the back windows which has the glass missing from it.  She has  a piece of cardboard over it until she can get  someone from the glass company to replace it for her.   She  calls  them and ask,  "When will you be able to come to my place?  I need a  back car window replacement soon!"  

        Zeref whose in charge of the glass companies replacement work answers the phone. He recognizes the voice. He sighs.  He finally speaks up,  "Mavis is that you?  It is me Zeref!  I do believe we have met before now."

      Mavis smiles.   "Wow, what a small world it is then!  I never knew you were into glass work before today."  She responds.

       "I shall be there as soon as I can today!   So, are you busy today, or should I come some other time for the repair work?"  Zeref  replies into his phone.

       "Oh, today should be just fine!  It is my day off work."  Mavis says.

      "Good then, see you soon!"  Zeref says.

      "Wait, you need my address first!   It is 4006  Mangolina Drive."  Mavis remarks.

      "Okay,then Miss Mavis, I shall be with you shortly."  Zeref says.  He climbs into his company car and drives to the address she gave him.   He finds it without any trouble.  He parks his car, gets out, locks it and gets right to work on the repair job. He is an efficient person when it comes to his job.  

     Zeref  is about to leave when Mavis comes outside.  She takes a look at the car and smiles.  "Wow, you did a fabulous job there! How much do I owe you?"  Mavis ask.

     "$440.00"  Zeref answers.

     "Okay,"  Mavis hands him the money without a blink. She thinks, is he always this cute?  Wait, what?   She blushes.

       "Mavis, will you be willling to go out with me this Saturday night?"  Zeref ask.

      "Yes, I would be happy too!"  Mavis says.

     "Great, it is a date then!"  Zeref says.

       ....Time skip to Saturday....

             "Mavis, Zeref is here!"  Lucy says.  

            "Okay, I will be right there!"  Mavis says.

            "Well, where is she?"  Zeref ask.

           "She will be out soon."  Lucy says.

            Fifteen minutes later,  Mavis comes out and Zeref thinks she is very pretty!  He blushes in surprise since he did not quite expect to have such a reaction to seeing her.

             Lucy just smiles, and says,  "Have  a great time you two!   Do not do anything I would not  do!"   She laughs at the serious expressions they give her.

             Mavis and Zeref date goes well!   Towards the end of it,  Zeref gives her flowers and says,  "Will you go out with me again sometime?"

          "Yes, I would love too!"  Mavis  says.

           "Good so see you next Monday then?"   Zeref ask.

            "yes, see you Monday!"  Mavis says.

               Long story, short, Mavis and Zeref have another splendid time together on Monday.  This time towards the end of the date,  Zeref says,  "Mavis, will you be my girlfriend?" 

             Mavis replies,  "Yes, I  will, Zeref!" 

        the end...Zerem  (Zeref and Mavis)  AU Car Thief? one-shot story-Summer Cheng.

Fairy Tail one-shot stories by Summer ChengTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon