Levy & Juvia Twinning Day one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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        Levy  MacGarden is so full of excitement!  She just bought a brand new dress!  It is yellow with light blue flowers on it!  She also, has some new blue sandals to go along with it.  She is more than happy to be able to show  both the dress and shoes to Gajeel  Firefox  on their date tonight.

       Juvia Lockser has a new dress as well. She too has new shoes.  Just like Levy, she wonders how Gray Fillibuster will react to her new outfit!  It is almost as if the thing were made especially for her!  At least, she likes to think so anyway.

        A few hours later, Gajeel picks up his girlfriend, Levy for their double date with Juvia and Gray!   In fact, since Gajeel has the bigger vehicle, he is the ride for all four of them!   It just so happens, that after he picks up Gray and Juvia, he notices something rather familiar.

         "Gray, notice anything funny about the girls tonight?"  Gajeel ask.

        "No, should I?"  Gray ask.

       "Oh, never mind,"  Gajeel responds.  He figures if  Gray does not notice on his own why to bother to tell him then.  The whole thing does not really matter that much anyway.   

        The foursome arrives at the dance place where there is a dinner theater production.  It is something the boys treat the girls too since it is the anniversary of the day they all meet and the day the two couples got together on years later!    

        As the girls get out with Gray, so Gajeel can park the car, Gray says, "Juvia you look stunning!" 

         "Thank you, Gray!"  Juvia says. She blushes. She is not sure why since he compliments her a lot anyway.

         "Whoa, would you look at that girls!"  Gray says.  It just now dawns on him what Gajeel was about to point out to him earlier.  He sure feels like one silly person for not noticing so obvious before now.

         "What are we looking at anyway?"  Juvia asks.

         "Yes, do tell us!"   Levy says.

             "Well, if you turn around and both stand side by side near the mirror, you will see for yourselves."  Gray states.

             The girls do as he says, then their jaws drop and they laugh.  "Haha, how funny!  Why were twinning!"  Levy says.

              "Oh, what fun the two of us have when we dress alike!"  Juvia adds.

                 Gajeel who finally finishes with the car comes inside to join them.  He pulls out his camera and snaps a quick photo.   He smiles.    He shows the picture to the girls.

                 "You both look so lovely in the dress and shoes!"  Gajeel remarks.

                   "I have to agree with Gajeel on this one!"  Gray says.

                   "Juvia had no idea until tonight that Levy bought the same dress or shoes as her!  It was not something we meant to do.  We just kinda accidentally bought and wore the same thing!"   Juvia explains. 

           "She is right!  We did not know till tonight that we own the same stuff! "  Levy says.

              "It is okay.   This means you both have the same taste in clothes which works out fine because you both pull off the look so well."  Gajeel says.

                "He is right,"  Gray says.

                  Gray wraps his arm around Juvia as he pays for them.  Then, Gajeel does the same with Levy as he pays for them.

                  Later, at the table together they all have a nice laugh about the entire outfit look-alike thing!   It is rather funny, yet cute at the same time.  This is definitely something they can all agree upon for years to come!  

                  The four friends, enjoy a nice meal and a show!   This turns out to be one of their best double dates ever!   It is well worth it!   Even more so when Gray, Gajeel, and Levy took turns taking photos of them all!   A few were selfies, along with some of just the boys, or just the girls!  The rest were of the couples in pairs, and the group as a whole!     Talk about a great way to remember their splendid evening together!

                   When the play ends, they all head home!  Gajeel drops off Gray first, then Juvia, and finally Levy!   He heads home last.   

                 Once home, Gajeel goes to sleep in no time and dreams about a double wedding where both his girl and Gray's wore the same dress, same veil, shoes, and had their hair styled the same.    In the dream, he could spot out which was his Levy due to her being the only girl in a wedding dress that wears glasses.   This made it easier to assure he married the right one!    The last thing, he wants is to be accused of stealing Gray's girl.   

             Gray sleeps well, but he does not have the same dream as Gajeel.  In his dream, they are at the beach, and both girls wear the same swimsuit.   At the same time, he and Gajeel wore the same swimming trunks.   Talk about silly!   

               Levy sleeps well and dreams the same thing as Gajeel!   Juvia dreams the same thing Gray does that night!  It seems even the dreams are twinning, well not quite, but almost!

                  the end...  Levy & Juvia Twinning one-shot story was written by Summer Cheng.   

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