Graylu AU: Everyone is in Shock by Summer Cheng

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         In this story, Natsu is dead.  He was badly hurt in the last mission and to the dismay of all his friends he died last night in his sleep.  The doctors tried to bring him back, but were unable too.  To make matters worse, Natsu was to marry his sweetheart, Lucy.  

         Gray stands around with a sad look in his eyes. He cries since his best friend Natsu is no longer alive.  He does not know to break the bad news to Lucy since she was in bed and asleep when he got the news himself.  Furthermore, Juvia is ill and may die soon too.  Gray is stricken with grief and unsure what to do now.

        Lucy goes to see Gray she does not know what else to do.  Someone must tell him the horrible fact.  She is not sure how to bring it up though.  She knows how much he and Natsu were like brothers, as they fought a lot, but still were the best of friends.  She runs to his place with tears in her eyes.

       Gray takes a look at Lucy. He feels pity for her and vice versa.  

       "Lucy, are you okay?"  Gray ask.

       "How can I be?  My fiance is gone.  He is really gone. I shall never see him again."  Lucy says.  She sobs.

       Gray hugs her and says,  "I am so sorry Lucy, I know how much you were in love with him."

         Lucy looks up at him.  "Yes, well he was your friend too."  Lucy says sadly.

            A  week later, everyone attends Natsu Dragneels funeral.   Lucy sobs hysterically as she places the roses on his casket.   "Oh, Natsu!  I love you!  I never shall love anyone else."  Lucy says.

           Levy stands close by.  She hugs Lucy as Gray comforts Juvia.  Gray can see Juvia's  condition has only gotten worse.  He wishes she would have been in home, so she might have a chance to be better.  For both their sakes as he loves Juvia.  

         "Juvia, I am sorry.  I truly am." Gray says.

       "I know Gray, and Juvia is sorry too."  Juvia says. She sobs.  She faints and Gray gasps.  

           "Someone, help me!" Gray says.

           Help arrives and takes her away.  Gray sobs.  He knows it is not good.  He shudders to think about his life without Juvia in it.  Later that day he gets the call he dreads, his beloved Juvia is now dead as well.  He screams, "No, Juvia!  Not my girl!  Please no!"

           Lucy can sense Gray is in need of a friend.  Since everyone else is busy she goes to him.  She knocks and he answers.

              "Gray, is it Juvia?" Lucy ask.

              "Yes, but how did you know?"  Gray ask.

              "I know because it is the same way I felt when I found out about Natsu a week ago."  Lucy says.

             "Oh, Lucy!  I am glad you came."  Gray hugs her.  He gives her a friendly happy to see yoy hug and she hugs him back.

              A year later,  Gray is lonesome.  Nothing is the same without his Juvia around.   Lucy is lonesome too.  She no longer has her Natsu.  Oh, what is he -Gray to do without her?  What is Lucy to do without him?

              Gray climbs a mountain.  He does not know, but Lucy is on a walk at the time. He attempts to die. That is to say, Gray jumps off and closes his eyes.  Only, he survives.  Lucy who saw him try to kill himself, stops him, she unknown to him runs until she stands near the bottom of the mountain.  As he falls, after his jump, she catches him.  

Fairy Tail one-shot stories by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now