LisZer / Zerem AU one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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   *Author's  note:  The author has not made up her mind yet who to ship with Lisanna, or Zeref for that matter.   It is a bit of  LisZer (Lisanna and Zeref) AU along with ZerMan (Zeref and Mavis). Thanks, and have a great day or night!  Do not copy this or my other stories.  Happy Reading!  Sincerely, Summer Cheng*

       Lisanna  looks at Zeref and blushes. 

        Zeref blushes in return.   He has been her boyfriend for awhile now.  He is just not sure how well it will work out for them.  He plans to go to university soon.

        Lisanna plans to stay here.  She does not care for the college life. She sees no need for it. She is already a good cook and has taken a few classes online to improve on her typing skills.  

         Lucy can tell Lisanna and Zeref are happy.  She can also tell  Zeref worries about what the future holds due to the differences in his and Lisanna's  plans.  She wishes she knew how to help them.  She has no boyfriend though, so she feels she does not qualify for such a  thing.

        "Lisanna, what about us?"  Zeref says sadly.

       "What do you mean, Zeref?"  Lisanna answers sweetly.

         "Well, you plan to stay while I go off to college.  It is just that I  wonder what will happen if you should meet someone new while I am away?"   Zeref says.

          "I doubt that would happen.  Besides, even if it did than I would still have a place in my heart for you. Also, you need to worry so!  Zeref you are the only one for me."  Lisanna says.

           "You know that really means a lot to hear you say as much!"  Zeref replies.

          "What about you?  What if you meet some new girl at college?   After all, just because I plan not to go that far away does not change the fact there are other girls who do not mind such things."  Lisanna states.

          "Lisanna, there is no way some other girl will ever take me away from you!  Why if she does then you will be the first to know.  I still think though that you will be just fine.  Well, I got to go!  Tomorrow, my classes start so I need to get there early to get into my dorm. "  Zeref says.

          "Yeah, sure, okay Zeref!"  Lisanna says.  She gives him a quick hug. 

          Zeref hugs her back, and waves as he climbs into his car.  He drives the long distance away to the university.  Several hours later he arrives there safe and sound.  He text   Lisanna once he reaches his dorm room.  

        Lisanna sees the text from Zeref and smiles.  She thinks, he is such a sweetheart!   Here is what the text says,  Lisanna, I   manage to settle in just fine!  However, I miss you!   My roommate is some girl, Mavis.   She seems nice, but quiet.  Anyway, hope to be able to text you again soon!   Until then, love ya!  _Zeref

       Lisanna sends him this as her reponse,  Zeref it was great to get your text.  I admit I was jealous about your roommate at first.  Yet, I want you to know, I trust you. Love ya!  Lisanna

      Two months later...

         Zeref text  to  Lisanna...

       Mavis and I are great friends now.  We are about to go hang out with the group!  Anyway, talk to you later!  Love ya!-Zeref

       Lisanna text to Zeref...

      You   sound happy to spend time with this Mavis person.   I hope it is really just a friend hang out.  Sorry, if I sound jealous.  Anyway, hope you have fun, but not too much without me!   Later!  Love ya!-Lisanna

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