Nalu/Gruvia The Life guards and the Cute Girls one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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      *Hope you enjoy this story!    As usual all characters belong to Hiro Mashima, creator of the fairy tail anime series.  Remember not to copy the story  though as it is plain rude and I did work hard on the original plot for it.  With that said, Happy Reading! Sincerely, Summer Cheng

     Natsu and Gray are at the beach as usual.  The two have jobs for the summer as life guards.  Both boys wonder what all things will happen as a result!  Little do they know how much their lives will change for the better!  Little do they know how it will impact their future.

      Lucy and Juvia are on vacation at the beach. The two spread out their beach towels on the sand once they find a spot which is just right for them.  It is a place where their less sun dunes and very little issues with the wind too.   Now they put out the beach umbrella which spreads out over both their towels.  Then, the two friends remove their cover up tops and lather on sunscreen.

     Natsu sees the girl with blonde hair and brown eyes glance his way.  He blushes immediately as he thinks she is rather cute.  He  wonders if she will have any interest in him.  He laughs a bit to himself.  Imagine him smitten with some girl he has yet to meet.

    Gray notices the other girl the one with the midnight blue hair and blue azure (blue) eyes. He finds his face turn red when he thinks about how cute she is to him.  He wonders if she is available or if she has a boyfriend already.  He chuckles a bit to himself.  Imagine him smitten with some girl he has yet to meet.

   It seems the boys both have something in common behind just their jobs, and being best friends.  They both have a crush already and on the first day on the job!  Wow, talk about a huge coincidence, huh! 

    Lucy laughs when she sees the boy with pink hair and black eyes glance her way.  She thinks he seems like a strange sort of fellow.  She also can not help, but notice his friend looks in Juvia's  direction.  Hmm, she thinks, this day just got better!  It seems I have a crush already and by the looks of it Juvia just might have one as well.

   Juvia smiles when the boy with the jet black hair, and dark blue eyes winks at her.  She thinks he is a bit of a flirt.  She has to admit though he is a rather dashing fellow though.  She laughs when she realizes she might even like him.  This is so unlike her to have interest in someone so soon, especially when it comes to someone she has not spoken to yet.

     "Come on Juvia!  Lets go for a swim!"  Lucy says.

     "Yeah, okay!"  Juvia says.  

  Lucy remarks,  " How about we have a race to the ocean?  Last one in has to ask the boy of their choice out!"  

   Juvia rolls her eyes in embarrassment at the very thought of asking a boy out.  She decides she might as agree to the race though.  Why let Lucy think she is a chicken when it comes to such matters.

 "Fine, then I agree to this only if you are not afraid to loose!" Juvia brags.

     "Haha, we will just see about that Juvia!  On the count of three!  One, two, three,go!"  Lucy calls out.

     Juvia and Lucy race.  In the end Lucy still won!  

       Juvia blushes when she realizes this means she has to ask out the stranger with the dark hair.   Talk about an awkward punishment for being the one to reach the water's  edge a few seconds slower than Lucy.  Just for that she thinks, I will have to come up with the perfect pay back!

      Juvia swims for the moment.  She might as well since she is in the ocean after all.

        Gray  thinks this is such  a drag. There is does not seem to be a thing to do on a hot day like today at all.  No one seems to need to need any help.  He turns to Natsu and says,  "I do not know about you, buddy, but I think I will go for a swim!"

Fairy Tail one-shot stories by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now