HibikiLu (Hibiki x Lucy) Dance one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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           Hibiki notices Lucy is down. He can tell.  This is because he has known her for the longest time he can remember.  He met her in grade school. He remembers how sad he was when she left town after he father's job promotion during their sixth grade year.  He also, recalls how she told him over the phone two years later she was dating someone.  He tries to be happy for her as he wants what is best for his dear friend.  He is jealous of whoever this guy is that dates her just the same.  

       Now fast forward to senior year of high school, Hibiki thought for sure, he would not see her again. Why should he see Lucy Heartfilia after all this time?   It is not like she has a reason to come back.  He figures there no sense in the hope for this. Not anymore when by now she has probably forgotten all about him.  He enters the class room the first day of senior year and to his surprise he sees her!  

        The new girl, it is her!  Hibiki is sure of it!  He would recognize that lovely blonde hair, set of brown eyes, small lips, and cute shoulders anywhere. He would be able to tell it was her from a mile away just because of how adorable she is even now. He could tell she was shorter than him by two whole inches, that she was sweet as ever and that she was sad. He just knew it to be true.

      "Lucy, what is the matter?"  Hibiki ask.

     "Well, it just that my boyfriend found out I was moving here and he broke up with me. Now what do I do?"  Lucy wails.  

      "Oh, I am so sorry, Lucy!"  Hibiki says. He does his best to try to comfort her.  

     "Hibiki, is that really you?"  Lucy says as she brushes the fresh set of tears away.  She cannot believe her old friend was the first one to see her cry.

     "Yes!"  Hibiki says.

     "Well, it is so good to see you again!"  Lucy remarks.

      "Same here!   I mean it has been awhile since we last spoke."  Hibiki remarks.

     "Yes, it has indeed.  I never meant to loose track of you." Lucy says. Her voice seems different somehow than he remembers.

         "Oh, do not worry about it.  Besides, you are back now so we have plenty of time to catch up!"  Hibiki says.

       "Yes, we sure do, I mean if it is okay with you."  Lucy says.

      "Sure, it is okay!  I mean it is more than okay, it is just fine and dandy!"  Hibiki tells her.

         "Glad to see you have not changed a bit.  Sure you are taller than when I last saw you, but other than that you are the same old Hibiki."  Lucy says.

          "Yes, well I could say the same to you."  Hibiki says. He does not know why, but suddenly he feels nervous around her.

           One week later, Lucy's friends are speaking to her in the hallway when Hibiki runs past without a word and heads straight for the classroom.  

        "Whoa, what was that about Lucy?"  Juvia ask.

       "Yes, did you two have a falling out?"  Levy wants to know.

        "I must say a certain someone has his eyes on you Lucy."  Ezra retorts.

        "What?  Who me?  There is no no way anyone likes me."  Lucy says. She thinks that her friends are just being plain silly.

            "Well, then that does not explain your seat!"  Levy says.

             "What about it?"  Lucy remarks.

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