Nalu The Sweet Date one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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          Natsu sits down in the cake shop with uncertainty.  He thinks this is a strange place for a date.  He recalls how the sign reads  "Mira Jane's  Sweet Shop."  He has no idea who this is or why he was told to come here.  It must be Gray's idea of a joke.

         Lucy walks around for a bit. She is glad to arrive at the place on time. She sees a boy with pink hair at a table. She thinks is that him?  She is here for a blind date and admits to herself she feels a bit nervous about the whole thing.

       She enters the shop and walks over to his table.  "Hi, I am Lucy Heartfailia,"  She says.

         "Nice to meet you Lucy, I am Natsu Dragneel,"  Natsu replies.

         "Oh, so you are Natsu," Lucy remarks. She appears to be surprised.

        "Yes, that would be me," He states.

          "Do you have any idea what is good here?" He asks.

        "I am not sure, but I must say this building is rather nice," Lucy replies.

              A young lady walks over to them and smiles, "Hi, I am Mira Jane, the owner, and manager of this establishment,  now how may I help you?"

           "Is there any strawberry cheesecake?"Lucy asks.

                Natsu thinks wow I like this girl already she even eats strawberries on her cheesecake just like I do.  He sure is glad he did not stand her up.

               "Yes, there is a cheesecake that comes with strawberries for a topping," Mira Jane answers.

              "Great, I will take a slice,"  Lucy tells her.

               "Okay, what about the young gentleman you are with here?"  Mira Jane asks.

               "I will take the same as her,"  Natsu responds.

                "Alright, I will be back with the cheesecake slices soon," She remarks.

                     A few minutes after she left the table another girl walks over to them, "Hi I am Lisanna, Mira Jane's sister, and I must say she forgot to tell you it is free drinks today,"  she remarks.

                   "I will have a glass of milk,"  Lucy says.

                   "I will have a  glass of chocolate milk," Natsu says.

                      "Sorry, we are all out of chocolate milk, but we do have plain whole milk, 2 % milk, skim milk, lactose-free milk, some soy milk, rice milk, and hot chocolate," Lisanna tells him.

                  "Hot chocolate then," Natsu responds.

                  "Excellent choice, I will make sure that Mira knows," Lisanana says. She walks away with a smirk.

                 Lucy laughs which leaves Natsu to wonder what it is she finds to be so funny.  She can tell he is puzzled about the whole thing.

                 "Sorry, it is just that second girl seems like a flirt," Lucy says.

                 "I did not notice," Natsu says with a grin.

                 "Oh, and why not?"  Lucy asks.

             "How could I when I have the prettiest date right in front of me?"  Natsu asks.

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