Chapter 14

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Vicki's POV

"okay, well first, would you like to have a paramedic come look at your arm?"

I nod and I have Zoe come with me, we get to the truck and while the take a look at my arm officer Rodgers asks me questions.

"Okay, so what happened out there you both look very beat up" he asks in a concerned tone.

"The fight started right when Chloe was going to hurt my friend Zoe, I pushed her back so she wouldn't hurt her." I say in between breaths.

"Okay, and were out guys best friends?"

He asks me stressing the "best friends" part.

"Yes, yes we were best friends" I say looking at her. Her knuckles were bleeding but besides that she looked fine. Unlike me who's arm was bleeding and felt nauseous. Chloe looked back at me, and gave me the death stare.

Officer Rodgers got up from his seat and went to go talk to Chloe. "Alright it looks like you fractured your arm, but I think you'll live" the paramedic says chuckling to himself.

"would you like to speak to Chloe?" Officer Rodgers says and offers his hand to me. I take and walk over to her.

"What do you want? you wanna know why your like that?" Chloe says mockingly.

"That will be enough Ms. Chloe"

"You owe her an apology and your going to need someone to bail you out of juvie" officer Rodgers threatens.

"Oh" I hear Zoe say.

"Im sorry that your stupid and didn't let me push Zoe instead of you" she says faking a smile.

"A real apology now" Officer Rodgers says raising his voice.

"I'm sorry I beat the crap out of you" she says looking down, "and for breaking your phone."

"Vicki Vicki!" It sounds like Cam. I look behind me and see him running my way and then Nash and Matt behind them. "Your a life saver bro" Cam says to Matt. Cam picks me up and holds me and puts his hands in my hair and kisses my cheek. "Are you okay?" he asks me. "yeah, besides a fractured arm" I say.

Cam sets me back in my chair and I see Nash look at Chloe, it was the worst sight I have ever seen.

"I don't know you, and I never want see you ever again understand?"Nash says sternly. I look up to see Nash with watery eyes.

I see Chloe look down ashamed, she should.

Then I see to police officers put hand cuffs around Chloe's wrists and gets escorted into a police car. A paramedic rapped something around my arm.

I stared at nothing and dazed out. Trying to comprehend what just happened, I trusted Chloe. She was my best friend. I don't know what happened.

Nash's POV

After what Chloe did to my sister, I didn't know what to think. I trusted this girl, her and Vicki were best friends why would she do that? what triggered that to happen.

"I'll be right back" I say to Cam. I walk over to the police car where Chloe was in and opened the door.

"Why did you do that?" I ask Chloe calmly.

"I don't know, I was mad and.... I don't know" she put her head down and cried.

I sat next to the police car on the curb.

I sighed, " Chloe, what did you think was going to happen? If Matt weren't there you would've kicked her in the face and I don't know what would've happened."

"I know I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...."

I turn my head around to see if anyone was around me.

"Look, I believe everyone deserves a second chance, but what you did is unforgivable, that was my little sister that you hurt! I hope that one day you will learn you lesson, today might be that day, it may not. Its all about how make out of it, it only counts if you learned your lesson.

I slam the car door shut. Never again.

I don't trust anyone any more. That means Cam and Vicki. She's not getting hurt. Again.

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