The Hunt

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Percy was looking for the hunt for a few days when he sees Artemis and he knows what to do he runs into the hunts camp and every girl grabs their bows and aims them at him Artemis shoots the first arrow at him and hits him in the leg she then sees who it is and says Percy I am sorry what she hears him say shocks her he says just shoot me so I can die and Artemis sees the pain in his eyes but she is shocked to she there is no happiness in his eyes Percy then faints. Artemis takes Percy to Apollo and Apollo fixes Percy's leg after Percy wakes up Artemis takes him to the other gods and Zeus asked Artemis why have you brought Percy here and she tells the other gods and goddesses of what Percy tried to do they where all shocked except for Athena say good he broke my daughters heart Percy then yells at her that he caught her kissing his half brother and how John was saying that he was hurting other campers Athena yelled you are lying but Apollo says he is telling the truth and says trust me I am the god of truth. Athena was shocked but apologizes to Percy and Artemis say Percy if you are given a purpose would you live he said yes and Artemis says I wuss for you to be the guardian of my hunt and Percy was shocked and asked I thought you hate men she said Percy you are the only appropriate male I know of Percy smiles and excepts her offer he was about to leave when Zeus asked Percy if he could change into any animal what would it be Percy says it would be a wolf and then Hestia asked Percy if he would be her first champion and he said yes and she then blessed him with the power to have any home made food and to control fire and Greek fire.

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