Camp Half-Hell

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Artemis was telling the hunters that they must go to camp-half blood for their annual gathering and that they are leaving in two hours Percy comes running in to camp from his perimeter check and changes forms and sees the girls are packing up and he asked Artemis if they are going somewhere and she says yes we must go to camp-half blood Percy then growls but goes and help pack up after they are all done packing they start to walk and Percy trips he catches him self but his mask falls off and he hears a gasp and looks to his right and sees Thalia looking at him and yell Percy all of the girls turn to see Percy with his mask off and they are shocked to see Percy they all stop and Thalia goes up to him and punches him and asked why did you try to kill yourself that day and he explains about Annabeth and the campers. All the girls where ether crying for him or they where mad Thalia say that she is going to kill her and then hugs Percy and then everyone else gives him a hug and Percy asked everyone to keep his identity a secret from the campers for now they all agree and they continue their trip the next day they can see the camp and Percy changes into a wolf and calls his pack they then walk to the border and they hear a horn blow and they see Annabitch and Chiron run the the border Percy's pack behind the hunters and when they get there Annabeth asks what's with the mutt and Percy growls and the wolf pack come out and circles Annabeth and she pulls out her sword and is about to strike an arrow is shot by her feet and she stops and Thalia says they mutt is our guardian and that is his pack and if you harm any of them then you have to deal with with the hunt. Annabeth puts her sword away and the hunters head for the Artemis cabin and the wolves fallows. They set up a tent out side that only the hunters, Percy and his pack can get in they all take a nap then they get woken up by the dinner horn and Percy's pack goes hunting but Percy joins the girls in the dining hall but stays in wolf form and the girls start to toss food to him and he would jump up and catches the food and the girls cheered when he caught a peace of food. Chiron stomps his hulf and says in owner of the hunters being here we are going to play and someone asked do they get to have their mutt play and Percy changes forms and say why wouldn't I play all the campers except for the hunters where shocked when they saw this Percy then asked if his pack could play and Chiron sad yes Percy then walks out to be tackled by Annabeth and she is about to stab Percy with a silver dagger when the dagger gets shot out of her hand and hers someone say what are you doing to my guardian Annabitch looks up to she she is surrounded by the hunt and she sees Artemis with her bow and arrow pointed at her and says I am trying to kill this werewolf. That is no werewolf he was blessed by Zeus to be able to change into a wolf now get off of him. A little later before the game Chaos popped up he asked Percy if he wold like to be his son and heir for when he fades Percy happily excepts and asked Chaos if he will claim when everyone was gathered before they start the game and Chaos said sure.

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