Capture The Flag

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A horn blow and everyone was gathered ready to start playing when Percy told Chiron I have an announcement before we start Chiron stomps his hulf and said P has an announcement Percy goes up on stage and pulls of his mask and shows everyone who he is everyone but the hunters gasped and Percy just stood there and then the sign for Chaos shows above his head and shocks everyone and Chiron says all hail Percy Jackson son of the creator and everyone bows to him Percy then says hey dad can I get a cabin and a cabin right next to the Artemis cabin and Chaos shows up and says there you are son and I left yo a surprise in side and they hug and Chaos leaves and Chiron say ok the rules are simple no killing only maming magic weapons are allowed now go place your flags before everyone leaves can my wolf friends join and Chiron said sure and Percy then whistle and his wolf pack came out and Percy said no killing in this game and all the wolves nodded their heads and they all separated and the hunters with Percy and his pack thought to leave five hunters the rest will go and find the flag Percy changes in to a wolf and said I'll take my pack and go straight for the flag you guys should protect the border and Percy left with his pack they found the flag and Percy told his pack to surround it but stay hidden then Percy then walks out and changes back to human and sees that it's John and Annabeth guarding the flag so he says this is going to be easy and attacks John and says you are a disgrace to Poseidon why he has a son like you I don't know Annabeth try's to sneak up on Percy but when she lunges for him he jumps and does a back flip and says not that this hasn't been nice but I'm board so I'll just take the flag and John says how there is only one of you and two of us Percy whistles and says count again and his pack comes out from the forest. John says if you need them then you're just as weak and pathetic as those girls this gets Percy mad and he runs at John and says you can talk about me all you want but nobody talks about my sisters like that Percy then starts to cut johns body until John can't move anymore and Percy says to Annabeth you left me for this loser he then laughs at her and turns red but doesn't move Percy laughs again and grabs the flag and starts to walk back to the creak and his wolf pack circles around him when he gets to the creak everyone is there waiting for him and he steps in to the creak but feels a pain in his back and pulls out a throwing knife with green stuff on it Percy goes pale and says Artemis poison help and Artemis flashes in to see Percy faint see gabs him and takes him to Apollo's palace and Artemis say Apollo help and Apollo shows up and sees Percy he quickly grabs him and tells Artemis to wait at camp Talia polled out her bow and shot an arrow where the knife was thrown and caught Annabeth in the sleeve and had her pinned to a tree.

Percy Jackson BetrayedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora