New Bodyguards

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After a while of talking and getting Calypso to agree to help them take out the gods Chaos told Percy that he is assigning him some bodyguards Percy said he didn't need any but Chaos wasn't having it he told Percy that he was to have bodyguards and that that is finally. Chaos made a portal and two women stepped through Percy thought they looked familiar but couldn't remember where he could of seen them the two women looked scared to be around him Percy noticed this and walked over to them and asked why do you look scared? One of them said do you not remember us he said you look familiar but I can't remember where I've seen you before one of the women said you might remember our names Percy ask then may I know your names then one women said I am Medusa the other said I am Arachne Percy then asked did you two try to kill me the two women nodded there head yes then he asked aren't you two suppose to be monsters. Arachne said Chaos gave us the power to change back and forth from our monster forms and our human form Percy asked Medusa so if your in your monster form and if I accidentally look at you will I get turned to stone Medusa said no I can control who I turn to stone but if I do turn you to stone I can change you back to normal Percy then said alright I have two rules one I don't ever want her while pointing at Calypso and said I don't ever want her turned to stone Medusa said all right two call me Percy. Arachne then asked are you not mad with us for us trying to kill you he said I was for a while but I forgave you two a while ago because you two where just protecting your homes Percy said and no hard feelings for killing you two? They said no problem you where just defending your friends Arachne then asked so how is your girlfriend Annabeth from you to being in Tartarus Percy said she's fine for now but we are not dating anymore they asked if you don't mind us asking what happened Percy said after I got back from doing a quest for her mother to get her permission to marry her I found her cheating on me with my half-brother they said they where sorry for what happened Percy said it's fine Percy then changed back to his descice and said this is what I look like when I'm around others and show you know we have had people fallowing us around for a few days so pretend they aren't there and I have a wolf pack living with me Percy then made two bracelets and gave them to Arachne and Medusa and said These bracelets can change into any weapon you want they thanked him and they walked back to the others and Nyx walked up to Percy and kissed his cheek and said I have to go back to my palace and get some work done she then flashed away and Chaos said bye I got work to do have fun at camp Percy said bye and gave him a quick hug then Calypso and Gaea walked over and Percy said we should get back to camp and said god bye to Gaea and hugged her then made a portal and Medusa stepped through first Percy and Calypso fallowed and then Arachne came through Percy snapped his fingers and made three more rooms and they all went to bed.

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