The Trick

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Percy was talking with Nyx when he got an idea about about how to torture Annabeth he turns to Nyx and told her his plan and and she smiles and she said let's do it the then they get Percy and they travel to camp half and they find Annabeth in the woods so Percy walks towards her and she hears someone coming and turns to see Percy and it looks like he has been stabbed in the stomach and had blood coming out of the stab and she got scared and he said you did this then feel down onto his back she screamed and ran to get Chiron when she was gone he got up and laughed then had the earth take the spot where there was blood and hide the blood he then hid in the trees when she came back with Chiron and they got there Percy heard Chiron say your sure it was Percy Annabeth said ya he is just up ahead they got to the spot and saw that there was no Percy and Chiron asked are you sure this is the spot she said yes well let's look around they look for a few minutes but find nothing Chiron says go take a rest your could be tiered Percy and Nyx travels to the cabin Athena's cabin and made sure nobody was there they then went into the bathroom and hooked him in a harness and then put a rope around his neck and made it look like he was hanging Nyx then wrote on the wall in a erasable marker help me they then heard the cabin door open and Nyx hide in the shadows and Annabeth walked in and she saw Percy she screamed and slammed the door shut the door John and Chiron ran in and asked what was wrong she said he's in there hanging John asked who she said Percy they open the door to see that nobody was there see said he was there I swear they said it's ok let's get you in bed they then helped her get in bed while she was sleeping Chiron IM her mother and told her what was going on with her while he they where talking Percy and Nyx invaded Annabeth's dream and they went looking for her and they found her dreaming about her time with Percy at the beach and Percy stepped out of the forest and said why why did you do it you killed me she gasped and said I didn't and he said you broke me so bad you forced me to do this he then disappeared and Annabeth screamed and woke up. Percy and Nyx where at his house laughing at her and Gaea walked in and smiled at seeing her son happy again. Later that night Percy travels to cap half and sneaks into Athena's cabin and grabs Annabeth's knife and he finds Piper and Jason and he sneaks up to them and kills them with Annabeth's knife then goes home and tells his mother that the first two are dead.

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