Surprise brother

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After Percy and Nyx left Chiron asked everyone to keep an eye on Percy and Nyx. John and Annabeth was fallowing Percy and Nyx around camp Percy and Nyx was talking and laughing when Percy saw Calypso and Percy ran up to her and gave her a hug and made it so she could see who he was and when she saw him she broke down crying in his arms after she stopped crying she asked who was the girl with him so he introduced her to Nyx then he asked her how she's been she said not good I found out Leo cheated on me so Percy took her to his cabin so no one could see them he then opened a portal to the primordian throne room. Calypso was confused about what was going on Percy told her he'll explain later. Percy kissed Nyx then went to sit down in his throne and Nyx sat right next to him and Percy called his father and mother after a few seconds Chaos showed up and calypso bows and gets a little scared when she sees Percy not bowing Chaos says to her to please stand I hate formality she stand and Percy walks over to Chaos and said hey dad how's the universes Chaos says hey son the universes are good had a few destroyed and made a couple new ones decided to name one Percy after you Percy smiled and hugged him. After a few minutes of Percy and Chaos talking calypso yells what the heck is going on Percy then tells her that after he found out Annabeth was cheating on him he left and became the guardian of the hunt then went to see his mother and found her dead killed by Gabe then left the hunt after being bullied and got a new godly mother and she showed me camp and Poseidon was there and he disowned me and for little while I was dating Artemis but she was only using me to get close to my mother so I killed her and her hunters and then Chaos adopted me now I'm prince of the universe. Calypso asked who his mother was Percy was about to tell her when Gaea showed up and saw Calypso and said hello daughter Calypso screamed what are you doing here Gaea said I was called here Percy walked over to her and hugged her Calypso ran over to him and pulled him away from her and yelled what are you doing Percy just started to laugh as did everyone else except for Calypso she had a confused look on her face Percy walked back to Gaea and put his arm around her shoulders and said well she is my new mother I told you about. Gaea then said that makes him your brother Calypso was shocked and didn't move for a few minutes so Percy walked to her and hugged her and she snapped out of her shock and hugged him back.

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