The Heartbreak

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The next day Percy wakes up to find a note on a door in his cabin that says hop you like your surprise Percy then opens the door to fin a motorcycle then Chaos pops up and asks how do you like it Percy says I love it then hugs him and says thanks dad Chaos says if you ever need it just think of it and it shall appear and it can change into any vehicle you want Percy immediately thinks of a Ferrari and it changes into one he starts to think of his mom and says I may as well take it out for a test drive he walks over to the hunters cabin and knocks on the door and Artemis opens it she sees that it's Percy and says Percy what can I do for you he then asks if he can go see his mother and she says sure just give me a sec and I'll be ready to take you Percy says thanks but I'd rather drive she asks drive Percy turns slightly to the side to show her the car and she gasps and asks where did you get that car and Percy said my dad Artemis then snapped her fingers and she glowed for a second and she told Thalia that her and Percy was going to go see his mother and they left on the way there people where staring at them he just smiled and speed off they got to his mothers apartment and Percy went to knock on the door but saw it was slightly open he pulls out riptide and opens the door to she his mother and Paul on the ground dead and Percy runs to his mother and holds her and starts to cry and the earth started to shake Artemis was in the car when she felt an earthquake she thought it was fine till it started to rain and she gets out of the car and runs into the apartment to see Percy holding his dead mother's body she then goes up to him and grabs him and flashes them to her palace on Olympus she then calls an emergency meeting and the other gods show up and Zeus asked why have you called this meeting she then says Sally Jackson and her husband are dead that's when Percy walks in and says you forgot there was another person in the room but Artemis says but there was only two bodies and Percy said my mother was pregnant with my little sister and all the gods morn for his little sister that will not be able to see the world Percy brakes down crying again and Chaos shows up and hugs him and says I will talk to him for a few moments. Percy and Chaos travel to Chaos palace and Chaos comfort's Percy after a few hours Percy fell asleep so Chaos took him back to his cabin and tells Thalia to stay with then goes to Olympus to ask what happened and Artemis tell him about his mother's death Chaos tells Artemis that see should go and see Percy and try to keep the other campers from him till he feels better she agrees and she flashes back to camp and tells Thalia she can go back to the cabin. The next day Percy wakes up and sees Artemis asleep so he sneaks out and goes for a walk on the beach and runs into John and Annabeth and his old friends and they see him and they go and push him around and yell insults him but one of them mentions his mother and all the shadows and the ocean start to swirl around him and the earth starts to shake everyone in camp feels the earthquake and they all run out and they all see the swirling tornado of water and darkness Artemis sees this and flashes to Olympus really quickly and tells the other gods and flashes back to camp and runs to where Percy was Artemis sees Percy old friends and asked what happened they all lie and say they don't know he just freaked out she told them that she can tell if they are lying and Piper said we said something about his mother and Artemis says do you know what you have done his mother was just killed and you said something about her Artemis says I will deal with you six later she then flashes into the dark water tornado and grabs Percy and hugs him and he starts to calm down she then takes him back to the hunters cabin and asks the girls to watch him.

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