The Deal Part 1

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After Artemis dropped Percy off she went to see John and the others. When she got there she saw Poseidon was talking to his son and the other gods was talking to their children Artemis stood there for a while when one of the hunters ran up to her and said Percy's gone she asked what happened the hunter expected that Percy woke up and asked Ires to show him who killed his mother and he saw and said smelly Gab and ran out the door and jumped onto a motorcycle and speed off before anyone could stop him Piper over heard this and says Lady Artemis Gab is Percy's first stepfather and he would beat Percy and his mother before Percy came to camp. Artemis flashes out and goes to find Percy. Percy is driving all over the place but stops when he sees someone hiding in an alley so he walks over but is surprised to find a smaller Gaea and Percy was about to attack when she said want revenge for your mother I can help Percy asked why would you help me I stopped you from waking up she said how do you think I'm here now I am always awake I was just gathering my power Percy asked if you help me what would I have to do for you she said come to Tartarus pit and come down to see me and I will tell you can I think about it for a few days to think about it Gaea says sure and gives him a mirror if you need me just call then she disappears and Percy walks out of the alleyway and gets on his bike and goes back to camp and Thalia sees him and contacts Artemis and then runs and tackles him and asked where have you been he was about to explain when Artemis flashes in and slaps him so hard you could hear the slap across the camp she then hugged him and said where on earth did you go he then explains about everything except his run in with Gaea. Percy then goes to his cabin and takes a shower and makes sure he was alone and call Gaea on the mirror and asks her about the deal and how she can find Gab she says she is the earth goddess and can tell where everyone is. After an hour of talking with Gaea a knock sounded at his door he went to see who it was to find Piper he was about to slam the door in her face when she said wait I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being mean to you and about your mom. Percy yells at her and says no you don't get to feel sorry for me and I don't want your pity so just leave me alone and slam the door in her face and goes take a nap. After a few hours Percy wakes up to the dinner horn Percy walks out of his cabin to see insults painted on his cabin he turn and goes to dinner where someone throws a knife at him but he catches it last second and without looking he throws it back to the person where it lands right between their fingers he then goes and sits with the hunters.

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