The Fire

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After the fight Percy, Nyx, Gaea, and Chaos went to his cabin they all talk for a while when they heard something fall and break Gaea walked to a closet and opened it and saw two people tied up she then turned to Percy and asked do you know that you have people tied up in here Percy said ya they are dead though he turned to Nyx and said we should get the fireworks ready we can't forget our front row set guest Percy then says bye to his parents and flashes to the armory with Nyx and the other two Percy and Nyx set the jars with greak fire down and sets the bombs for five minutes then they flash back to the cabin. Went they get back they get changed and wait till they heard the explosion when they heard theexplosion five minutes later they ran to the fire and asked someone what happened the camper said I don't know Percy then saw Chiron and went up to him and ask the same thing Chiron then asked if they could help put it out but Percy said no can do that's Greek Fire nothing can put it out everyone then heard screaming and two people on fire run out of the building they started to say they did this to us but they never got to point before they died Percy and Nyx keep their cool and not show their concerns.

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