Chapter 4 [edited]

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Bradley's POV

I opened my eyes and saw Rose sleeping next to me. A smile crossed my face. Her brown curls were tickling my face and seeing her sleeping so peacefully made me grin even more.

I grabbed my iPhone from the night table and checked my messages. There were so many new followers on my Twitter or Instagram. This was so strange for me. Everything has started since my band announced that we were going to accompany McFly on their tour.

Suddenly Rose turned her body towards me. Fuck! I didn't want to wake her up. Why am I such a jerk and have always to be so loud ?

I looked back to Rose that I couldn't other than to grab my mobile again and take a picture of her.

' Did you take a picture of me?', suddenly Rose spoke in a raspy voice.

Oops, I fucked up again.

' Uhm no?', I tried to lie, but was still smiling at her. Rose observed me some seconds and smiled then.

' So are you telling me where we are going today?'

I sighed.

I was so scared that she would find out that I took a picture of her, because she usually does and she hates it a lot when anybody takes a picture of her without asking her before. She thinks that she always looks 'ugly' on them.

Smiling, I shook my head and kissed her forehead before getting out of the bed.

' Why are you so mean to me ? ', Rose pouted crossing her arms. Well, that's me. I always have to annoy her a bit. That's my job.

' I am ? You were mean to me when you came to England and your Mum appeared and you almost went with her home. Isn't that mean? I thought I would loose you forever.' I told her.

Ermmm. . .  Maybe I've exaggerated a bit, because I guess, I would have flown to her anyways.

' Oh', she looked at me apologetically, ' I was so confused and I didn't want to hurt you.'

Rose seemed to be very sorry what she did over half an year ago. I began to laugh.

' Why are you laughing? , Rose looked at me even more confused than before. 'You aren't upset with me?'

' Hahaha hell, no! Why should I?', smiled at her.

'Oh', Rose giggled whilst blushing for a bit.

' Okay, let's get ready for the surprise, sleeping beauty. You've been sleeping quite a lot, you know. ', I kissed her cheek and went to the bathroom.

1 1/2 hours later

* * * * * * * * * * *

'Are you sure that we are driving right direction?', Rose worried.

' Yeah. I'm completely sure.', I told her while I was looking for a sign telling how long until Watford.

' So why aren't here any people driving? '

- ' Because it's 10.30 a.m. and most people are at work.'

'Ay ups you are right. Sorry for distracting you', she giggled.

I love her seeing her laughing but in the end of the day she will be upset with me.

Maybe that's one of my biggest mistakes. I can't see people brokenhearted.



I wanted to write even more but I had to do lot today even though I had no school today!

This chapter was boring and chessy etc.

Ahhhh Internet Love reached over 8 K ! Thanks so much! I was thinking of somebody who could maybe do a trailer for it? If you can, tell me bc it would be really cool to have one xx

I'll be busy next week so don't wonder if there's no update on Friday :|

Hahah sorry for being that chatty :D


Internet Love 2 || Sequel to Internet Love (Bradley Simpson) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now