Chapter 6 [edited]

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Next Monday


[ Rose ]

Today's the first day without Bradley. I went to my English lessons and sat next to Maya.

' Hey' I greeted her.

' Hey. How are you? Do you feel free without Brad?', she giggled.

' Uhm no?' I smiled at her when my mobile buzzed.

Bradxxx: Hey beautiful x How's uni without me? ;)

Me: Boooooring :| how are the boys?

Bradxxx: They are fine. I just woke up and I think I'm gonna dozz off zzzzz

Me: Uhhh don't tell me that! I want to sleep too!

Bradxxx: Hahaha I have soundcheck in like two hours :$

"Good morning! ", Professor Simmons greeted us.

" Today's our last lesson with me and in the end I'm going to hand you out your exam of last week."

I hate it when I get exams back. There's always this strange feeling in my stomach that I want to freak out! It's this anxiety about getting bad marks.

Me: Brad, my teacher is here. I have to go :( x C u later x

Bradxxx: Nooo please don't go babe! I have some jokes for you :)

Me: Nope


Me: idk BRAD he's watching me!



Bradxxx : Shut up bitch!


Bradxxx : Yep :) ♥

Me: I h8 u

Bradxxx : I hate you more xxx

'Rose', Maya touched my shoulder.

' Huh?' I asked her tipping on my mobile.

' He's watching ya'

I looked up and grinned nervously.

' I hope I'm not interrupting you, Miss' , Prof. Simmons said angrily.

' Sorry' I mumbled and put my mobile back to my bag.

' Thank you. Now I'm going to hand you your exams.'

Whilst Professor Simmons was going through the rows, Maya grabbed my arm asking me, ' What was that?!'

' Brad's texting me.' , I winked.

' You saw him the last time about one and half days ago. ', she giggled.

I know that it was very irresponsible of me, because I should pay attention and make notes and stuff, but my mind was somewhere else.

' The next weeks will be hard for you and Chloe'

'Aha' I nodded. Maya was right. I will miss the evenings when Brad teases me for going to bed early.

'Well done you two', Mr Simmons said and handed us our exmas.

' AHHHH WE REACHED A FUCKING B+ !!!' , Maye started to scream.

' Calm down May', I giggled. I was quite happy because we made quite and effort for this exam.

The rest of the lesson I tried to concentrate, but hopeless. I was all the time looking at the watch and hoped the lesson is over soon. That feeling remembered me so much on my days at school.

' Well, my dear students this hour was our last one. It was a pleasure to have teached you for some months. On Thursday Mr. Walters will start to teach you", Professor Simmons told us and his lesson finished.

Professor Simmons was very nice and intelligent. I can't blame him for anything, but for today I was happy that he was going away.



Yey! I managed to write today in my two free periods! Hahah

Ewww tomorrow I have a chemistry exam :|

Yeahh and now I'm sitting in my German lessons :O

Hahah sorry

Hope you liked the "school" chapter xx

Ah: Did you like Brad's and Rose's texting?

Uhhh does anybody have any ideas how Rose's and Maya's new teacher will be?

Hahaha Maya, love you loads xxxxx

Internet Love 2 || Sequel to Internet Love (Bradley Simpson) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now