Chapter 9 [edited]

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                 [[   Rose   ]]

The estate agent opened the door of the flat which was in the forth floor and began to tell me about the prices and the building year and stuff.

The flat had two bedrooms,  a bathroom, a kitchen and a big living room with a big balcony with an amazing few. I can literally say that I felt in love with this flat.

'Do you like the flat, Miss?', the estate agent asked looking in his papers.

' Yes I really love it. When can I move in?', I told him smiling.

'In about 1 1/2 weeks if everything is alright. ', he said coldly while we were going out of the residence. I nodded and filled the papers he handed me some minutes ago.

' Thank you so much for selling me this flat!', I thanked him absolutely happy and made my way to the library where I work.

Me: Ahhhhh I bought the flat!!

        \(^-^)/ ♥♥♥♥

Maya's the best x: Ahhh what?! Oh my god! Did you take pictures of it??? French is boring :/  x

Me: Noo :( hahaha ah when I wanted to go to that flat, something really awkward, happened :$

Maya's the best x: WHAT? IS BRADLEY BACK!? :O

Me: nope D: I better tell ya later ;)

Maya's the best x: HELL NOOO! I CAN'T WAIT ! TELL ME NOW!

Me : Ok just one thing

Maya's the best x: yeay

Me: Mr Walters D:

Maya's the best x: What?! 

Me: Arrived at work /: gonna skype ya then x

I put my mobile back to bag and started to work sorting the kid's shelves. Their books' covers look  so cute that I would read everyone of it.

Afterwards I went to the magazines to check their prices when I saw on one Brad's and the boy's faces. Awww Brad...  I really miss him a lot.

I opened the magazine and began to read that short report about them. It's so strange to see your friends and boyfriend on a cover of a magazine.

That's so cool that they are a bit popular here and that they have a small celebrity.

' Shouldn't you work, Rose?', Mrs Anderson my colleague asked me smiling.

' Uhm yeah. Sorry', I  blushed and put the magazine away.

Actually, I would have continued to read it, but my colleague was observing all my moves that I had no other choice.

I had been working for almost three hours and finished my shift when I went through the shelves and saw a man who looked very similar to Mr Walters.

My hands began to sweat. I think it was enough for today that he had to give me a ride to the flat and we had been talking about school and just some small talk.

Then the man turned around and for my luck it wasn't him. I sighed and took my stuff to go home.

I wish I never have to see Mr Walters again.


Sorry it's a boring chapter written during my Spanish and German lessons D:

Internet Love 2 || Sequel to Internet Love (Bradley Simpson) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now