Chapter 18 [edited

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                                                                                     [[ Bradley x ]]

Joe told us two days ago that our tour just finished and we could fly back home this weekend. I was so happy when he told us that ! I mean, I was more than three months away and I'm really missing Birmingham.

' I'm going to tell Chloe that she must pick me up in four hours!!', Tris screamed when we were driving to the airport. This lad is getting more excited than everyone else of our group.

' Please tell her that she shouldn't tell Rose anything about that!', I shook his arm. ' Please! I want to surprise her!!'

' Hahaha yo, bro chillex! I'll tell her that. ', Tristan laughed rolling his eyes. I smiled happily.

Hehehe I'm so excited to see her face. She'll look sooo cute !!

The flight was short and all of us were so excited to be back home after two months.

' I'm thinking that Lewis will be taller than me now.', Connor looked at me shocked. Brothers. Thank god that I only have Nat. 

' Hahaha nooo! Your brother won't be taller than you.'

' Are you sure? '

' I'm completely sure! It might be that he will be taller than you the next time we are away!', I giggled. 

' WHAT NOOOOOOOOO!!!!', Connor screamed hysterically. Maybe I would have reacted the same way.

' And he will have a girlfriend and you will be a single pringle jingle wiggle. ', Tris laughed joining our conversation.


- 'UGLY!', Tris and me shouted at the same time.

' Would you guys please stop? Chole is here to fetch us and you guys are still ignoring her.', James huffed rolling his eyes.

' Wow. please don't act like that! We were just joking !', I rolled my eyes.

' CHLOE!  C - H - L - O - E !!!', Tristan screamed running towards her and wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her.

Only by seeing this cute moment, I started to miss Rose even more. It remembered me far too much of her and a smile appeared across my face.

Chloe drove everyone of us home and I was the first one. She didn't drop me off at my home, but by Rose's apartment. I was so curious how her flat will look like.

With my suitcases I went up the stairs and honestly, it was really strange to go the her flat since she has been living all her live in Birmingham with me.

Finally I arrived the third floor and saw Rose's front door open. That was strange. She would never do that. Maybe she went shopping and Maya helped her with the bags.

I rolled my suitcase behind me and entered her apartment. I heard Rose's voice and my heart started to skip fast like the first time I saw her standing on my front door.

' Rose?' , I asked shyly.

' Rose, are you there?', I asked once again when I closed the door after me and went to the living room.

' Rose? Sebastian? ', I looked at both confused.

'What are you doing here? ', I looked over at him.

Rose was pushing Sebastian apart from her and when she looked over at me her eyes started to water.

' Bradley, I can explain you everything! '




Sorry I've been busy last week :(

Heheh here's another cliffhanger ;)

Heheh why does Bradley know Sebastian?

The next chapter is up next week ♥♥♥♥

Internet Love 2 || Sequel to Internet Love (Bradley Simpson) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now