Chapter 22 [edited]

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Last night - The Vamps


                   [[ Rose ]]

"  I'm feeling tip top
   I'm not gonna stop
  Tapping my shoes
  I ain't got a clue
  Got nothing to lose
  So watch me move
  To a brand new day ay ay
  Imma hit you like a hurricane ..."

' Rose ?'

' Bradley? '

' You have to hurry up 'cause they will arrive in less than an half and hour and you're still taking a shower. '

' Okay. ' I wrapped my body in a towel and looked for my underwear. For my luck I forgot it in my room and I hate it to go out off the warm bathroom to my room when I'm only covered with a towel or when someone is in the living room.

Quietly I pushed down the door handle and tried as quickly as possible to sneak into my room as Bradley came around the corner saying ' Wow, you were very fast. '

' Close your eyes and go back to the living room. I'm too wet and ugly for you. ' I blushed and I pressed my towel closer to my body.

My wet hair was hanging over my shoulders that I began to shiver. ' You're freezing. '

' Uhm.. yes. ' We were still watching each other and even though it's Bradley who's standing in front of me I felt kinda nervously.

' You don't have to embarrass yourself that you are standing half naked in front of me. I've seen you naked a lot. ' Brad smirked and put his arms around my waist.

' Bradley, it's cold. And your pullover is getting wet, because of my hair. ' I put my head on his chest.

' Have you been singing while you were showering? '

' Hehe uhm yes. '

' You sang beautifully my song Hurricane '

' Beautifully? Tsss don't make me laugh. Uhm ..  I heard it on the radio some minutes ago so I really don't know why I sang it.'

' I love so much my girlfriend.'

' And I love so much the Panettones I bought.'

' You're so mean to me. I told you that I love you and you only think about your Italian Christmas cake.'

' Yes I love Panettones but I love most an Englishman I've learned from the Internet.'

' Aww that was so cute!' Bradley smiled and kissed me softly.

' I have to get dressed because our guests are coming in less than 15 minutes! '

' Noo! Let's just stay like this for some more minutes. ' Bradley started to kiss me down my throat which tickled me.

' Hehehe stop! Please! '

' Nope'

I started to laugh and I hiked up my towel. ' Olala someone is coming really fast.' Brad bit his lip and holded me tighter.

' You want more? '

' Tss of course, babe ! ' He looked at me with a hungry look.

' Maybe later. ' I stretched my tongue after having kissed his cheek and went straight to my room.

I grabbed my outfit to go back to the bathroom.

Then I straightened my hair and tied them to a high ponytail. After having applied some makeup I ran out of my room to the kitchen to check the turkey, which was in the oven.

' Sorry I forgot to check it. ' Brad said from the dinning table. That's unbelievable that he set the table like in a luxury restaurant.

' Bradley how did you set the table like that?'

' Uhm... The Internet helped me a bit. ' He smiled proudly.

I laughed. Brad is such a loser when it comes to "kitchen and cooking".

Then someone knocked on the door and immediately I made my way to it whilst Brad followed me. I was about to open the door when Brad put his one hand on my wrist.

' I forgot to tell you that you look pretty in that dress. ' I smiled at him thankfully and kissed him before opening the door.

It was Connor with some bags in his hand. ' Hey guys! I can't hug you because I'm full with stuff.' He laughed entering the flat.

' I guess I'm the first one who arrived. '

' Yes you are. I think someone wanted to escape from his younger brother who is taller than his old brother. ' Brad teased him while he was helping him with putting all his bags under the Christmas tree.

Then the door knocked again and this time it was Ellie. I invited her too because we've been hanging out a lot in the last few days. Since she still hasn't met the rest of my friends, it was time to invite her.

' Hey! I brought some marble cake. ' She smiled handing me the cake.

' Am I the first one?'

' Nah. Connor arrived two minutes earlier than you. '

I led her into the living room and asked her to make herself comfortable. Connor and Brad were talking about some stuff and I needed to go back to the kitchen to continue with cooking but I didn't want to let Ellie alone, so I called Bradley to help me.

' I think you want to ship them, don't you?' Bradley rose from behind his hands around my waist and kissed my cheek.

' You are today in quite a kiss mood, aren't you?' I giggled.

' Uhm maybe because I'm happy and I love you so much ? '

' Aww that's cute, but today I'm not romatic.'

Then someone knocked on the door, again, and Bradley slurfed to it to open it. This time James, Maya, Tristan and Chloe came together and we could start now our small "Christmas-party".

After having had dinner, we decided to watch some movies but Ellie and Connor wanted to open their presents even though tomorrow was Christmas. But we insisted on watching movies so Connor and Ellie stopped acting like little kids and in the end they decided to go to Ellie's apartment to watch horror movies.

' OOHHH I don't think that they will watch horror movies. ' Maya giggled after Connor and Ellie went with their presents.

' Neither do I ' Tristan laughed putting his arm around Chloe's shoulder.

' Ooooh little Connor is attacking! ' Bradley screamed laughing like a small child which made me laugh.




Yessss! I've managed to write even though I'm full with exams :( and decisions for my a levels D:

Ewww tomorrow I have an exam in English and a written PE exam :( it's so weird to a have a written exam in PE :/

I will try to write in the next few days but I can't promise anything because I have to study for my German exam that will last at least three hours! D:


This chapter is dedicated to a friend who is reading this story and loves tip pencils and #Flomi -.- x  Please don't freak out tomorrow !


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