20 facts about me ✌

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I was nominated by @mrsxball xxx for 20 facts about me and I think it's a good idea to that since you all have no idea who I am. :)

1. Maybe some of you read the comments after the chapters and sometimes see the name Eva. If you ever asked youself who this Eva girl is so that's me :) I'm Eva  ✌

2. Some of you asked me from where I come from. Well, I'm not British or South African. (: I'm sorry for my mistakes but I'm far too lazy to reread the chapter I've written and usually someone is talking next to me or I'm listening to some music so I get really easily distracted.

3. I'm not the kind of girl who has a lot of friends and goes out every day or weekend. Of course I do have friends and good ones who are always there for me and support me in everything :) thank you so much.

4. In my freetime I love reading, dancing , hahaha obviously writing and watching movies or series. Nowadays I'm very obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and Pretty Little Liars ✌ Don't ask me which film is my favourite one because I could write a whole book with films I love xD My favourite authors are John Green, Jane Austen and Carlos Ruíz Zafón ✌

5. I love eating. Actually who doesn't? By the way , writing this makes me hungry too xD Mhmm I love my grandma's food so much ♥ I'm so excited to visit her these summer holidays and eat all her food! Mhmm but I love so much Asian food too ♥ Okay some of you will ask why I didn't mention Italian food. Well, I love Pizza but I don't like Pastas. I made some bad experiences with them...

6. I usually write on my stories at school. Hey, I always pay attention in my lessons but I have so many free periods in the week that except of listening to music and usually flipping through my foto gallery with my best friend, I decided to write on my stories since my best friend loves one of the books and I'm too busy with studying at home :|

7. My favourite subjects at school are obviously English :) , Spanish, history and art. Nah don't talk to me about PE because I hate it, okay? I can only run and dance and nothing more xD

8. I'm very short for girls in my age xD the pupils under my year are as tall as me or even taller than me. AHH even my 12 year old sister is taller than me and I'm much older than her!! Hahah but the best thing of my height is that I can hide me everywhere xD Heheh I hate my hair so much -.- it's dark brown and curly -.- I really don't understand how you all love Bradley's hair. Okay I have to admit that curls are cool but you can do nothing with your hair beside of a ponytail or a fishtail :| I'm sure Bradley hates his hair too xD

9. I'm a pringle ! ✌

10. Going shopping is an other passion of mine. I love it to find clothes in sale. I wanted to start with internet shopping but my dad is strict against with my wonderful idea so I still have to go to the mall or to the citycentre

11. I started to love The Vamps in April 2014. I've never heard of them before at that moment and it was pure fate that I met them in their meet and greet in London. I wanted to go to Claire's on that day and buy all the store bc we have no Claire's in my city so I was very excited to go there. But when we arrived there was a big crowd of girls crying and screaming and I had no idea what was happening there. I thought there was a special sale day and that might be the reason because everyone is crying. I pushed me forward to the entrance and when I saw some guys standing there and smiling. At that moment I thought to have seen Louis Tomlinson. I began to scream " I CAN'T BELIEVE!!! THERE'S LOUIS TOMLINSON!!! LOUIS TOMLINSON!!! I'M SEEING ONE DIRECTION!!! " Everyone around me watched me like "Oh my god, what is this ugly girl talking about?!" Then a police officer told me that they weren't "One Direction" but " The Vamps". I took a look to the guys and I looked back to the officer. I guess I've looked really ridiculous that I heard laughing from inside of the store. I looked to the boys and caught Bradley and James watching me and laughing at me. I wanted to smile back at them but I was pushed out of the crowd and I had to go :| 

12. After school, what is very soon for me, I planning to study English and architecture. Hihihi but I have no idea where to study. But I'm thinking of studying in England since it's nearer from my home (:

13. Beside of The Vamps' music I love Simply Red, Maná and some One Direction ✌ But I don't only listen to their music (;

14. I don't know but many people think when I talk that I'm French even though I'm not French! I just have a French accent because I can't spell out the letter " R " xD 

15. I've been dancing Flamenco since I'm four years old. Yessss I love dancing and I can't imagine a life without dancing. By the way Flamenco is a traditional Spanish dance with Arabic and Ballet influence. 

16. Luis Baca is my bro and I'm gonna meet him this summer :3 Check out his twitter account @luis_Baca x

17. If you love to go to the cinema we have a lot in common. Every month when I have time I go to the cinema. I'm really excited when Insurgent is out !! :)

18. If I had super powers I would like to read others people's mind and get invisible. 

19. Hahah that weekend when I visited my nana to her birthday we had to drive to the direction to the airport. My grandma lives the next town from the airport of our city so every time when we visit her I see the airport and all the airplanes landing or just flying. I dunno but I always get excited when I see planes. I love so much flying and I had some really funny experiences in airplanes. I've made some new friends during some flights xD hahah the last time when we flew to my grandparents there sat next to me a Norwegian guy and idk how it happened but we started to talk and do some stupid stuff. In the end of the flight we said goodbye and I have no idea what he's doing now. The other time I made friends with a girl called Carol in the airport. She was moving to the US and we two spend about a day together because our parents had some issues with the airline. The other time I flew back home with a footballer from the FC Bayern Munich xD That was really funny xD

20. I'm sure you have asked yourself why I'm actually called Reinita27 here. Well, at that moment I was thinking of a very funny actress of my Telenovela in which she's called Reina, whose nickname is Reinita and I love her so much that I added a 27. Don't ask me why. Maybe because 27 is my favourite number (:

My Twitter is @iloveit_1809 (: tweet me if you have Twitter too ✌


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