Chapter 8 [edited]

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                  [[    Rose     ]]

The last few days went fast by and I have a lot to do today. After university I'm planning of going to that flat I've found and then up to work.

' Hi Maya! ', I hugged her when I stepped in her car.

' Hey rosy Rose! ' she hugged me back and started to drive.

' Excited about our new English professor?' Maya added giggling.

We had been imagining a lot of different kind of professors and from time to time our imagination was crazier.

' Hahaha what? Hell, no. I'm sure he's old, has a beer belly or he's creepy a geek. That's how mostly teachers are. But since he's a professor and studied, I think, he's an old cute man in a suit and behaves like a gentleman.' I looked at her and we burst into laughter than. At least my last description was more realistic.

Ten minutes later we were going to our room and almost everyone was there except of our new prof.

' Let's try to find some seats in the back of the room. The first lessons of a new professor are always boring ones, because he or she introduce all the 'rules' and stuff.', May suggested running to the back when she shook her head telling me that there were no empty seats.

That's why we looked for some better seats where we could chat better. Unfortunately, there were only two free seats on the first row left. I pray to god that our new professor doesn't spit while he or she talks.

' Ewww. What if our teacher spits during speaking? ', Maya looked at me desperately.

' Ewww May! I hope not. ', I smiled at her and we took our seats. It was funny though to see how 'connected' we were.

Everyone was sitting, eating and chatting like in old school days since our professor hasn't come yet and our lesson should have started 10 minutes ago.

' Urgh! That's so irresponsible! I pay a lot to study here and then this fucking teacher isn't able to come punctual! I really prefer our old Professor Simmons!  ', a young man from behind complained.

' If you want you old teacher back, so go out of the room!', a young man with light brown curls shouted. The man of the back looked at him angrily and took his seat again.

I looked at the man with his curly hair again. He was standing there with a cup of coffee when he put there his backpack to the conductor's stand.

Actually, I would have started to laugh since this man in front of us could be a classmate of us. It looked ridiculous how he shouted at the man behind of me.

' Nahh he can't be our teacher! ', Maya whispered in my ear, 'He is far too young to be an English literature teacher. '

Suddenly the young man standing by the blackboard clapped and started to speak again, ' Good morning ladies and gentlemen!  I'm Mr. Walters your new English literature teacher. I guess you're asking yourselves why this young man is standing in front of you. Yes I'm very young for being a teacher at university.......'

Mr. Walters continued with talking while I took my out laptop off my bag to be prepared when the lesson "starts".

' Why are you turning on your laptop, young lady? ', I heard Mr. Walters saying, but I didn't expect him to say that to me when I looked up.

' Are you asking me, sir? ', I looked at him shyly.

' Yes you! What's your name?', he tried to speak energetically, but he couldn't because his voice was so soft. Awww that's cute.

' Uhm... Rose Woods?', told him looking at the floor. I thought he might get angry with me when he suddenly started to explain what we are going to do this semester with him.

To be honest, Mr Walters is the weirdest guy I've ever met.

' I don't like him Maya ', I whispered her.

' WHAT? Haven't you checked him out? He's about 4 to 5 years older than us and haven't you seen his stunning blue-green eyes?!', Maya tried to whisper. It would be too embarrassing if Mr Walters heard us.

I looked over to Mr Walters. He was wearing a light blue jeans shirt with some black skinnies and black leather bootees. His hair was light brown and curled and suited him perfectly.

Sorry, I had to admit that he's really good looking but I'm not looking for a boyfriend.

' Maya, he's our professor and I love Bradley and no. You can go out with him since you are single like a pringle.', I answered her trying to look away from his spicy blue eyes, which was difficult, because they were mega beautiful. I hate that.

' I guess you all know the British author Jane Austen. ' , Mr Walters said.

' So, I hope you all guys have her book "Emma" at home. If not, you better buy it today cos your homework will be to write an interpretation about the five chapters and then compare her living conditions with ours.'

Everyone began to mumble and groan, because we all have more subjects exept of this one and this "homework" remembered a lot to the ones at school.

'This was all for today. See you next week', Mr Walters said and everyone grabbed their stuff to go to their next lesson or just go home or whatever, because they have finished for today like me.

I went with Maya out of the room and we hugged us.

' You lucky girl! Today's your best day of the week! I finish today at 04.00 pm!' , Maya groaned.

' But you don't have to work until 8.00 pm !' , I giggled and kissed her cheek.

' See you later! ', I waved at her and headed out of the campus.

' Rose Woods! Wait! ', I heard someone shouting after me. I'm not that popular that someone has to scream my name over the whole campus.

' Wait! Rose! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME?! ', I heard the same voice again. This time I waited and turned around to see who was calling me and saw Mr Walters running towards me.

' Hey ', he greeted me when he was standing next to me.

' How do you do, sir? ', I tried to smile him politely.

' Don't call me Sir! I'm not that old after all.',  Mr Walters laughed. Creepy.

' Are you going home?', he asked me and I shook astonished my head. It was a really awkward conversation.

' Where are you going then?'

' Ermm... I'm going to see a flat and then I'm going to work.', I looked at him nervously. I really had no idea why my professor was asking me those kind of questions.

' I was heading home, but if that flat is near, I can give ya a ride though. ', he smiled at me and his eyes sparkled. 

' Ermm .  . . it's okay, thanks but I can walk. It isn't that far at all.'

'Nah c'mon! ' Mr Walters insisted and insisted that I could only tell him a "yes".

This professor is so weird. I still don't get it why he had ran after one of his students.  

' You don't have to be frightened of me. ' Mr Walters said as we were sitting in his car.

' I'm not. '

' Then why aren't you talking much? '

Seriously, he is being mega creepy now. Why should I ask him stuff anyways.

' Because we've already arrived at the place I want to be. Thank you for the ride and I see you in my next lesson. ' I said monotonous and got out of the car.

I preferred to walk to my appointment than to sit next to a creep.


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