Chapter 32 [edited]

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I've tagged here a picture of Laura x hahah you'll hate her even more now

Where do broken hearts go - One Direction


' Are you sure to go to uni and look into Bradley's eyes like nothing had happened? Wow... ' Ellie took a sip of her coffee while I was packing my bag for my lessons.

' There's no way out. I can't miss my lessons. ' Ellie nodded comprehensive.

' And have you already thought of forgiving Brad? I think that he didn't lie to you. ' Ellie smirked and I gave her a death look in a funny way.

' Hey! I can't stand it when you are sad! ' she laughed and brought her  cup to the kitchen.

The doorbell rang. ' Think this must be Maya! She told me she would pick me up. ' I shouted from the hall and opened the door.  A girl around my age was standing there and smiled at me. Her face... I've seen it before but I couldn't remember where.

' MAYA!! ' Ellie came running towards me but when she saw that gurl she looked at me as confused as I was.

' Hey, Rose! ' she greeted me smiling and was about to enter my flat but I stop her.

' Who are you? From where do you know my name? ' I asked her suspicious.

' Oh sorry for not telling you who I am. I'm Laura Murray, Bradley's girlfriend. ' She smiled at me.

' I beg your pardon? I think that I didn't pay attention what you've told me. ' I asked her completely confused.

' Oh. You did hear well. I'm Bradley's girlfriend sweetie. '

' Which Bradley do you mean? I mean I know many Bradleys like Bradley Cooper or Brad Pitt or my Mum's uncle or that guy from Tesco. Well, if you are talking about that Bradley who works at Tesco, he's a funny dude. Tell him the next time you see him that he has to download 9Gag if he wants to meet Leonardo di Caprio. ' Ellie told her very amused and was about to close the door when that Laura girl put her big feet between the door and the doorway so we couldn't close the door.

' Not that fast, you British Minger! ' she hissed.

' Hey, what do want? I have really no time for people who escaped from the psychiatry and are talking bullshit. Would you please put your feet away so I can close door? ' I asked her annoyed.

Laura rolled her eyes and looked at me like I was a piece of shit. I remembered the same look to have seen yesterday at Bradley's. That girl in his room looked at me the same way when I caught them making out or rather fuck each other.

Ellie was about to kick Laura's feet away when I looked at her to stop.

' I think someone recognised me. ' she smirked.

' You know that girl, Rose? Wow I haven't thought that you have such sluty girls as friends. 'Ellie was amazed.

' Tss Ellie...Don't talk bullshit. She's the girl I saw in Brad's room yesterday. '

' Correct and now I wanted to say something to you, lovely Rose. '

' If you say something rude to her, I'll put that fucking mobile you have in your fat fingers in your big cellulitis ass!! ' Ellie gave her a death look and stepped beside me.

' British Minger, shut up okay!? And you Rose don't say anything!  Bradley had been talking about you all the tour that you are pretty and funny and intelligent blah blah blah and now when I'm looking at you. Oh dear Lord! Has Bradley been poisoned? You are so ugly. Look at your ugly curls ! And you are as short as a school girl! ' Laura insulted me.

Internet Love 2 || Sequel to Internet Love (Bradley Simpson) [edited]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora