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"I was thinking egg shell for my bridesmaids, and a navy blue for the groomsmen. I want white roses, freshly picked not fake, the theme - love in Paris, very elegant, royal almost. And I want ~"

"Babe, slow down. She does have to write this down" I stopped Natalie as she ran down her list for the perfect fairytale wedding.

She giggled nervously, and I smiled as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Sorry, I just want it to be perfect" She beamed.

"It's okay baby, it will be. So, how much is all this gonna run us?" I asked, turning my attention towards the planner.

"Well, that depends on the venue you two decide. As well as the guest list, menu, invitations. I can go on all day, but as long as you set a budget ~"

"No budget" Natalie interrupted her, "We want the best"

"Wait" I snickered, "Now, I wouldn't say all that"

Natalie's eyebrows furrowed, and we battled looks for a moment. While I wanted a beautiful wedding as well, I wasn't trying to break my pockets while doing it. I can admit, that was one of the main problems in my relationship, the fact that I couldn't give Natalie everything her spoiled heart desired. I made good money as a detective, however my salary looked like crumbs when compared to Natalie's family. She came from money, and every request she had, had been granted her whole life.

Before we could finish our conversation, my phone began to go off.

"Excuse me" I said, raising from the table and making my way to the bathroom to take the call from my partner Nunez.

"We got an update?" I answered.

"We got an update alright" Nunez chuckled coldly, "Finds out, Mr. Jones didn't skip town with his mistress"

"Where is he then?" I raised a brow.

"Just washed up at the Schuylkill River, we need you down here stat"

"Alright, I'll get there when I can" I told him before hanging up.

I took a deep breath, and knew I was moments away from having to deal with an angry Natalie. Along with working doubles, I was on call and was expected to show up when we had a break on a case.

Finding Mr. Jones body, was definitely a huge break on our missing case that had suddenly turned into a murder. I straightened my tie, next clearing my throat as I reluctantly made my way back to the table.

"As we were" I said, reclaiming my seat.

I figured I would at least stay for another thirty minutes due to the fact that we had just arrived to breakfast with our planner and was supposed to be planning for two whole hours. I tried my best to listen to the back and forth between Natalie and Kim, the constant vibrating of my phone causing a slight interruption.

"Just answer it" Natalie said becoming frustrated.
I nodded, and raised from my seat once more.
Seeing the call, I gritted my teeth as now the Sergeant was calling.

"Captian, I was just on my way" I answered.

"Like hell you were. We need you down here Young"

"Already in the car" I lied before hanging up.

When I arrived back to the table Natalie's face displayed her emotions, and I knew she was upset. I did a slight shrug, slight head tilt, and she read me immediately.

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