thirty seven.

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After a long day and even longer dinner with Jet's family, to say I was exhausted would be an understatement. Nothing sounded better than a glass of sweet wine that would set my tastebuds for the meal of a man I was sure I would be enjoying later.

"Riesling or Moscato?"

Pulling the white t-shirt over his head, Jetson entered the kitchen - his scent of Dove's comfort filling the space before him, "Moscato." He answered almost immediately.

"Riesling it is." I smirked, not hesitating to pour the white wine into my glass.

"I can't believe I let yo ass get me into wine." Jet snickered, picking up his glass for me to pour his drink next.

I found myself to be satisfied with more than the average amount, as usual, next moving onto his and pouring until he instructed me to stop.

"I told you that you would like it. It's a good medium between a cooler and the hard shit."

"True," He laughed. "So."


We shared an elongated glance, a smitten smirk tugging at our mouths even though neither of us spoke.

"You going to tell me what's on your mind?" I playfully slit my eyes his way, my glass resting as I held off on yet another sip.

"Who says something is on my mind?" He tittered.

"Well...after dinner you kind of just shut down" I noted, "Also, you kept checking your phone...on the way here"

"Work, that's all. Working on a case right now —"

"Ohh, is it a serial killer?"

"Really?" Jet laughed, "No, not a serial killer. Just someone very...powerful I guess you could say"

"Powerful? Mhh, like a mob boss?"

"If I could tell you I would, but I can't. Now, bring that bottle up to the bedroom cause I have no plans on leaving it any time soon."

Jet confirmed his sexual tone with a look, immediately causing a flood beneath me. Per his request, I grabbed the bottle and followed him to the bedroom.

It wasn't long before I was stripped down, bearing it all to him as he sat back and watched me in all my naked glory. I climbed onto his lap, his hands exploring every inch.

"When are you going to take some time off, so I can have you for days at a time?" He asked in between feverish kisses.

"Didn't you just say you have a lot on your plate?" I asked, bringing his busy workload to surface.

With Jhonny making so many moves in the next few weeks, there would be no way I could get away a few hours let alone a few days.

"Yeah, but I always got room for you" he winked.

I squealed as Jet playfully tossed me onto the bed. The back of my thighs firmly held up in his hands, he didn't waste any time putting his head between my thighs and showing me just how much he missed the taste.

My mouth agape, I tilted my head back without any words spilling out. He dug at me with his tongue until I couldn't take it anymore and although I never figured myself a quitter I had to tap out the second time my body began to shutter.

"Fuckkk" I whimpered as he flattened his tongue in order to give me one last slurp.

"Turn around" he demanded.

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