Treasure Room

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Sunny was leading us to somewhere and I had no clue where, when ever I looked back at Caspian he was either talking to Lucy or Edmund.  As we reached two doors that were intricately designed, Sunny's smile grew wider telling me we were there.

I smirked at my best friend, "what ever is behind these doors must be priceless."

"Oh you'll love this, Caspian was the one who thought of it...I just helped him along with the details." She told us pushing the doors open revealing a bedroom, probably Caspian's.

"We'll go on." Sunny smiled letting me step in first.

When I entered the room, it took me a minute to realize what the treasure was. When I did, I was astounded that it was all here.

All our weaponry was placed in places around the room, on the far right side hung the round gold sculpture of Aslan that Peter picked up when we found the treasure room.

Lucy was walking behind me smiling like a school girl, she walked over to the Golden plate. She touched it with her fingers feeling the folds and bumps of Aslan's Golden mane, she smiled a warm smile.

"Aslan." She whispered.

I walked over to the bed, there was a painting on the headboard that looked so familiar. Then when I got a good look at it, my eyes widened. On the bed frame was a painting of Caspian's and mine coronation, we were holding hands as two crowns were on our heads.

I felt someone stand next to me, I didn't have to look up to know who it was.

"I see you like the painting, I have one back at the castle. I can always remember you by it, when ever I see your face it brings me happiness." He whispered in my ear.

When I turned to face him he had walked over to Sunny, I clutched my locket again wishing I could go back in time to that hour before we left. The hour in my quarters, when Caspian and I were alone.

I was about to start crying from the memories but I pushed the tears back and distracted my self, I couldn't let Caspian see me cry. As i turned over to the left, I saw my weaponry. My sword, quiver, bow, and horn.

"You kept them??" I asked Caspian beaming from ear to ear.

He smiled softly and nodded, "Yes, I had a feeling that I needed to bring them."

I ran over to the weapons and picked them up, I first grabbed my sword first and unsheathed it. The noise it made coming out of its protective leather felt nice to hear, it was familiar.

I then put it back in it's leather case and put it around my waste, I then picked up my bow and quiver. I felt the feathers with the tip of my finger,

Sunny came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, I smiled at her making her smile back at me. She turned her attention under the shelf that my bow stood on, the one below that held my horn. My beautiful porcelain horn, I slid on my quiver and grabbed my horn. I ran my hand over the designs that laid all over the magical object, I next felt the red leather and then strapped it on me.

I was so engrossed in this room that I didn't hear Caspian behind me, so when I felt a tap on my shoulder I immediately turned around. In a silver box laid my archers braces, I put my hand over my mouth and took them out. I ran my hand over the leather, then I slid them on my wrist and they fit perfectly.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: The Adventure Continues!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon