I Was Reborn

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<49> I Was Reborn

Am I dreaming? I can see a Mars base built by humans. It is a huge dome. Inside, there are people in it who don't wear space suits. The inside of the dome seems to have no problem breathing and living because it has conditions similar to Earth. White people may be Americans or Europeans, while Asian people may be Japanese or Chinese. Inside the huge dome, I can see huge trees. The trees must have stretched out into the sky because of the small gravity. The trees will release oxygen through photosynthesis and will also provide fruit and timber. Buildings are seen next to the arboretum and humans are coming and going. Outside the buildings, humans are driving strange equipment. Are they farming crops?

Humans out of the dome wore spacesuits. The atmosphere on Mars is very thin and the temperature is very low. Therefore, humans will soon die if they don't wear space suits outside the dome. Even if you melt the ice buried underground and send it away, it will evaporate or freeze again soon. Since magnetic fields have disappeared on Mars, people who do not wear spacesuits will be exposed to harmful solar wind and cosmic rays. Humans are getting on the vehicle and running somewhere. What are they going to do in a place covered with black sand and rocks? They must be researchers looking into the soil or workers collecting underground resources.

The moon and Mars are desolate places, but they are new worlds for mankind. Humans completed basic exploration long ago by landing unmanned rovers on Mars. There are probably many people now visiting Mars for sightseeing or business purposes. Space tourism companies may have developed tour packages around Mars and built hotels there. The settlement may include land owned by Korean real estate agents and land speculators. The real estate speculation craze among Koreans was just as hot as that of K-Pop.

I'm flying to a human settlement built on Mars. When I get there, I will ask people if they know the Solar System Base and the Planet Merion. However, I can't narrow the distance between me and the dome base. I don't know if it's because my body isn't moving properly or the dome base is running away. Is the dome base visible to me a mirage? Once again, as I tried to move towards the dome, I heard a familiar sound that stopped me. I don't see her, but the sound was clearly Jetty's voice. Did she follow me?

"Dae-geun, where are you trying to go?"

"There's a man-made Mars base in front of me. Humans are busy moving around in the dome. I have to meet them."

"What do you see? I can't see anything."

"Jetty, you can't see Mars since you're still on the Planet Merion."

"Go to Earth quickly. Why are you wandering around Mars?"

"I know we've already arrived on Earth, but I don't know why the Mars base is hanging in front of me."

"Your soul is being tested now. Everything you see is an illusion. Never go after the illusion."

"Human people planned to explore Mars before I left Earth, and tourist companies have recruited hopefuls to go to Mars. I'm seeing what scientists had envisioned when I left for Merion. It can't be a figment of my imagination."

"The man-made Mars base may have been visible to your eyes, but you've already passed it and arrived on Earth. It's time you were reborn as a human being."

As soon as I felt that I had seen Jetty for a while, she was erased from my sight, and the red soil and dome sites on Mars disappeared as well. Did I dream? Watching me wander in my dream, it seems that Jetty has appeared in my dream. She may have tried to communicate to me by telepathy. Or maybe I saw an illusion because the reincarnation process was so hard. Or I may have mistaken the solar system as a Mars base in my dream. Anyway, the Martian base was very clear to me. It's too bad I couldn't observe Mars more closely while coming to Earth.

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