System Reform Plan

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<71> System Reform Plan

Over the last fifteen years I have devoted myself to saving the endangered DK Group and have made considerable achievements. However, the existing global economic system is facing a crisis and the world is becoming more chaotic. Unsatisfactory unemployed people attack artificial intelligence and capitalists, and dissident groups challenge public power. The poor people antagonize the rich and the rich dispose of their property to flee to a safe and developed country. This situation lured me into the political sphere.

The chaotic society has strengthened the position of the progressive parties, which advocate reform. The party I joined have secured more support from the people by announcing one after another the policies for the poor working class and insisting on the nationalization of land and key industries. Developed countries insist that the free market economy system should not be undermined, but middle-sized countries have begun to restrict market autonomy. As the global market economy is challenged, companies are also struggling to come up with countermeasures. However, blindly resisting the existing system without any alternative only adds to confusion and is not conducive the insurgents.

Severe economic difficulties lead to frequent protests and riots. As the government and the vested interests turn a deaf ear to the demands of the proletarian working class, support the progressive parties grows. However, progressive parties have failed to come up with reliable reform measures. I stressed that building a fair society should be our Party's first objective while serving as a policy committee member of the Reform and Progress Alliance. And I proposed establishing economic democracy by introducing an economic system based on land nationalization and national planning.

To realize economic democracy, the state should be in charge of allocating key resources instead of market mechanism that encourage unfair distribution. To reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, private ownership of the means of production should be limited, key industries should be nationalized, and property tax and inheritance tax rates should be raised. Public interests should be emphasized in corporate management, and the government should limit the exercise of large shareholders' selfish voting rights and ensure the rights and interests of minority shareholders, subcontractors and consumers.

In order for the national plan to succeed, trial and error, waste and partialism must be minimized in the process of the establishment and execution of the plan. At the same time, decision making that goes against the people's will, the incompetence and pursuit of private interests of public officials, the interference of politicians, etc. should be ruled out and the whole process of the plan should be transparently disclosed. In the past, communist countries failed because they ran the economy for political purposes in a state of poor planning and production technology. At present, production technology has been fully developed and by utilizing artificial intelligence, efficiency can be secured in the process of planning and execution.

By reducing the role of market mechanism and expanding the scope of national planning, it becomes easy to resolve the problem of polarization and unemployment and achieve complete reunification with North Korea, which has adopted a similar system. Also, artificial intelligence can greatly reduce public sector budgets while improving administrative efficiency, because it handles more work faster than thousands, tens of thousands of public officials. On the other hand, introducing a planned economy will cause conservative parties, capitalists, landowners and companies to protest. The nationalization of the land and core industries requires a huge budget and the expansion of artificial intelligence will lead to the resistance of officials who are deprived of jobs.

Despite opposition from the vested interests, the Reform and Progress Alliance announced the economic system reform plan and held a public hearing to gather opinions from various sectors. As the party with a high chance of power proposed a system reform plan, many people expressed interest and representatives of the media, public sector, business community, labor and social organizations attended the meeting. Civil servants' groups opposed the expansion of AI's role and the business community criticized the nationalization of companies. Participants expressed their views in accordance with their respective interests, while our policymakers defended the reform plan.

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