RPA Took Power

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<72> RPA Took Power

The year 2104 A.D. has dawned. The general election is scheduled to take place this year, and the majority party will take power under the parliamentary cabinet system. In this election, the system reform has become an important issue, drawing more attention than ever. The conservative party, which has so far been in power, is obsessed with the existing free market economy system, although it has failed to properly respond to the global economic crisis, loss of national competitiveness and mass unemployment. Again, the party is targeting voters by making pledges to ease regulations, lower tax rates, and guarantee social insurance and basic livelihoods. On the other hand, progressive parties have declared that they will give up capitalism or reform it thoroughly.

With the advent of artificial intelligence, global growth trend has been maintained to some extent, but the employment situation has worsened. The government's welfare budget cannot support an increasing number of unemployed people. Tax rates have already approached the upper limit and national debt has reached a critical point. A higher tax rate would dampen economic activity, reducing tax revenues and the government's debt has already reached an intolerable level. The number of the proletarian unemployed is expected to rise further, but there are no signs that the economy will improve. Companies that anticipate a more dismal situation are leaving for tax havens, while the rich are fleeing to advanced countries.

In Korea, the conservative and moderate progressive parties took turns in the 21st century, administrating state affairs under the framework of capitalism and market economy. Despite the serious problems of unemployment and poverty, the ruling party has completely turned a blind eye to policies that could harm the interests of the privileged. Companies, capitalists, government officials, major media and professionals are the biggest beneficiaries of capitalism and they still believe in the superiority of the market economy. The business community prefers a small government where all regulations are lifted, and does not pay attention to the problem of polarization and unemployment. This complacent attitude of the conservative and vested interests has raised the possibility of a radical progressive party taking power.

In the heyday of capitalism, capital and labor were the two pillars that supported the economy, and management regarded workers as partners. The conflict between the two classes was basically caused by a battle to take up a large share of managerial performance. However, it has become common for the new human race (AI) to expel workers from industrial sites, and the labor union has lost its power. Workers have lost power not only at the production sites but also in the market. In the past, wage income earned by workers was a major source of consumption, but now consumption by capitalists, the public sector, businesses and self-employed is replacing that of workers.

If the added value created by capitalists and AI is enough to support the unemployed, the existing order will be maintained, but otherwise the existing system will be challenged. Indeed, the government and political circles began to feel a great deal of pressure as the proletarian unemployed gathered together to express their discontent. The conservative party, supported by the vested interests, and the progressive party, supported by the proletarian working class, are fiercely competing for power. Capitalists and businesses use every means to prevent radical progressive party from gaining power. On the other hand, dissident groups are willing to resort to violence to resist the conservative party and vested interests.

Competition is heating up, with radical propaganda, populism and violence rampant, and democracy is retreating. When humans reach extreme situations, they throw off the mask of hypocrisy and reveal the nature of barbarism. As the Liberal Democratic Party, which has been in power, is on the verge of losing power, it bribed executives of progressive social groups and presented various populist policies to the unemployed, homeless, defected families and the elderly as pledges, while engaging in a heated debate with progressive party supporters.

Fiction REINCARNATION, Vol. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon