Transition of Generations

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<65> Transition of Generations

Hyung-geun's body gradually became emaciated. Due to poor digestion and blood circulation, he cannot absorb nutrition and accumulate energy. Nutritional injections have only temporary and limited effects and cannot prolong life. Nevertheless, his mental state was close to perfection. The story of soul and reincarnation may have made him lucid. People wonder about the future of themselves and their families, but old people who are about to die are curious about the afterlife. Perhaps that's why Hyung-geun is not willing to close his eyes until he hears the complete story about his brother's reincarnation.

I met my brother every weekend. When I broke up with him, I wept in sorrow and came home thinking about what I should tell him so that he could live another day with a clear mind. All I can do is help him end his life at ease. Telling a story of reincarnated persons may make him comfortable. Does he also know about Yu-jin's previous life?

"Grandpa, there are so many reincarnated people around us. And not a few people remember their past lives. Have you ever heard of my mother's past life?"

"Yes, I heard. I was wondering why Hyun-ji lived with a strange girl, and my late sister told me about your mother."

"How did she know about my mother?"

"She must have heard the details from her daughter. After we heard the story, we thought of your mother as a family. Your maternal grandfather didn't forget my brother until he died, either."

"Have you met my maternal grandfather?"

"When your parents got married, he visited my house for the first time and I met several times since then. He also attended my brother Dae-geun's funeral, when we didn't know each other. A few years after your paternal grandfather's death, he died, too."

"I have completely lost my memory of my mother's side."

"Your maternal grandfather was worried about your mother because she was mentally unhealthy when she was young. That's why he thanked our family for accepting his daughter as our daughter-in-law. So his love for his son-in-law was very special."

"Did my mother ever tell you about her past life?"

"People tend to hide their past lives, but your mother is different. She took special care of a man whose last name was Yoon, which is probably related to her past life. Your brother-in-law is Yoon, isn't he?"

Yu-jin would not have forgotten the family of Yoon who had been associated with her past life. Jong-bin's brother-in-law is the man of the Yoon family. She may have made him her son-in-law because he is of the same Yoon family as her previous husband. Jong-bin's brother-in-law was not very talented, but he got a job at the DK Group due to his father-in-law's consideration. She still takes good care of her eldest daughter's family.

Because there was a reincarnated person in his family, my brother would have believed in immortality of the soul and would accept that his brother had been reincarnated on another planet. Perhaps he himself wants to reincarnate where his brother was reborn. I thought I could no longer postpone the story of the planet Merion. If his health gets worse and his cognitive abilities get weaker, he won't understand me. It is also difficult to speak out when a guardian is next to him.

"I told you that I lived on the planet Merion in my previous life, didn't I?"

"You said that you died after participating in the war. You also said that the brigade commander who led the war was a human in his past life."

"The brigade commander was grandpa Dae-geun in his past life."

"What? What are you talking about? My brother was reincarnated on the alien planet and became a brigade commander?"

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