After Tomorrow Night

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"Do you think he actually thinks I'm cheating on him with you?" Hailey asked and the boy looked at the post.
"I mean you did say how cute I looked so I mean that technically is cheating" Nick said and looked at her sympathetically.
"Fuck you're right" the blonde said with a sigh. "But who cares he was gonna find out anyways" Hailey said softly. Nick smirked and thought of an idea.
"Let's go to the couch and makeout" Nick said and took her hand in his.
"What are you thinking?" Hailey asked taking his hand and the boy chuckled.
"Just trust me" Nick said and the girl intertwined her fingers with his. They got out of the bunk and walked towards the couch on the bus.
      Nick sat down and pulled Hailey on top of his lap. The girl giggled at his sudden action. The boy started trailing kisses down her neck making her shiver.
      "Nick what are you doing?" Hailey asked turning to face him.
      "Nothing baby girl" Nick said with a smirk. Hailey turned so she was now facing him.
       "You liar, you're up to something" Hailey said sliding her hands up his chest. The boy smiled and watched her actions.
        "Maybe I am" Nick said and pressed his lips against hers. Hailey kissed him back and ran her fingers through his hair. Nick hummed in appreciation for the feeling of her fingers running through his hair.
Nick and Hailey were sitting on the couch making out. The boy bit her bottom lip and she opened her mouth. The boy slid his tongue into her mouth.
Edwin walked into the living room and gasped at the sight. He wasn't sure what Hailey's finsta post meant, but now he did.
"OH FUCK!" Edwin said making the two pull away. "You two are for REAL?!" The dyed blue haired boy asked in complete shock. Nick pulled away for a let out a breath and smirked.
       "What do you think Ed?" Nick asked cockily as Hailey kissed down the boy's jawline.
       "You two are NASSSTTTYYY!" Edwin said scrunching up his nose in disgust and walked away from the two.
       The girl trailed her kisses from his neck up to his jawline. The boy smirked at her actions, and squeezed her hips. Hailey bit her lip as she got a spark of confidence in her. The girl sat up and straddled Nick's waist to make the makeout session become more heated. The boy held her hips, and the girl started to grind into him. The brown haired boy let out a gasp at the sudden contact.
"Well damn" Nick said against her lips. Hailey smiled and kissed the boy harder. The boy slid his hand up her shirt as the girl kept rolling her hips into the boy's hips.
The tour bus door opened and the dreaded haired boy walked in. Zion looked at the two on the couch making out and grinding on one another.
"HOW ABOUT YOU DISGUSTING ASSES HIT THE BUNK AND HAVE SEX!" Zion yelled making the two pull away. Nick pulled his hand out of her shirt and the dreaded haired boy walked up to Hailey.
"L-listen Z-Z-Zion I-I-" Hailey stuttered out and the boy pulled her off Nick's lap. The dreaded haired boy took her by her shirt collar and slammed her against the buses wall.
"I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Zion yelled at Hailey, whose eyes started to tear up. "DID YOU JUST USE ME FOR SEX!?" The dreaded haired boy yelled moving closer to her.
"Z-Z-Zion..." Hailey said softly, scared of what the boy was gonna do next.
"WE WERE HAPPY TOGETHER HAILEY!" Zion yelled grabbing the girl's wrists. He pushed them against the wall and the blonde looked at him. "AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU'RE ON NICK LIKE WERE NOTHING!?" The boy yelled squeezing her wrists again but tightening his grip.
"Z-Zion I-I- can y-you n-n-not...?" The blonde stuttered out, tears forming in her eyes. The pain in her wrist was elevating as time went on.
Before Zion could say another word, Nick grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him off her. He threw Zion into the couch.
"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Nick yelled, his face red with anger. Zion groaned at the impact of the couch and stood up.
"IF SHE LOVED YOU, SHE WOULDN'T HAVE SLEPT WITH ME!" Nick yelled and punched Zion in the jaw.
"HEY YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'LL FUCK YOU UP!" Nick yelled as he punched Zion again. "LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO FUCKING LEFT HER TO MORUN ALONE WHEN YOUR CHILD FUCKING DIED!" Nick yelled and before things could get worst, Austin and Ashley ran in.
"THIS SHIT NEEDS TO STOP!" Austin yelled. "I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE! PRETTYMUCH NEEDS TO BREAK UP!" The brown haired boy said angered, but also hurt.
Zion and Nick looked at each other and then to Austin.
"Bro, what?" Zion asked, panting from the fight the two boys just had.
"I'm fucking tired of the constant fighting! It was hard enough dealing with Nion, but now Bredwin... it's just way too much" Austin said his voice starting to crack.
"N-no um... don't do this because of me. I'll leave and s-stop being friends with you guys. I'm the main conflict h-here... I-I should go..." Hailey said rubbing her wrist that were now bruising. She exited the bus and Ashley ran behind her.
"Hails..." The brown haired girl said which the blonde didn't respond. "HAILS!" She yelled again and the girl continued walking away. "FUCK YOU!" Ashley yelled and walked back into the bus. "Nick get your girl" the younger girl said and the boy walked out.
"HAILEY!" Nick called out but she didn't respond. "BABY GIRL!" The boy called out and sighed when no response was heard once again.
Hailey sighed and was currently sitting on the curb of the street. She was ready to call an Uber when she heard someone behind her. She turned around and saw Nick standing there.
"Hails..." Nick said softly sitting down next to her.
"I-I should g-go home... to my house n-not the PM house..." Hailey said avoiding eye contact with the boy.
"Don't leave Hails... if PM is over, we're over" he said pulling her into him. "It'll be okay, we'll all figure something out" Nick said and looked at her wrist.
"It's o-okay" Hailey said knowing Nick is concerned about her wrist. "I-I just need to go..." the girl said standing up.
"No, don't... at least don't leave without me..." Nick said standing up next to her. "You're mine and I can't just lose you" The boy said pulling her into his chest.
Hailey hugged him close to her and cried into his chest. The boy rubbed her back and kissed her head.
"I-I-I'm sorry..." the girl said and the boy shushed her.
"Don't be" the boy said rubbing her shoulder. "You're allowed to be upset. Now can I see your wrists? I know Zion has a tight grip on your hands" Nick said and the girl showed him.
        The girl's wrist was black and blue and the boy clenched his jaw. He was beyond angry about how Zion treated her.
       "He shouldn't fucking do that to you! He can hurt me, but hurt you!? I think the fuck NOT!" Nick said, and the girl wrapping her arms around his waist.
       "I'm okay" the girl said softly, and the boy wrapped his arm around her waist. "It's just a few bruises they'll heal... anyways, what's up with PM?" Hailey asked changing the subject.
       "We're discussing after tomorrow tonight's show... I'm not sure how it'll go but yeah..." Nick said and the girl nodded. She looked up to him and kissed him softly, the boy kissed her back.
       "I'm sorry I ruined PM, if only I just didn't-" the boy shushed the girl.
       "Shhhhhh" Nick said placing his finger onto her lips. "You did not ruin PM, Zion did. Nothing would've happened-well actually... it would be my fault" The brown haired boy said.
       "How is it your fault?" The girl asked confused, and the boy sighed.
       "Because you and Zion were together and I always fought him and then it lead to you cheating on him... so technically it's my fault" Nick explained and the girl shook her head.
      "It's 50/50. I did half the damage and so did you, okay?" Hailey said to reassure him.
      "Fine..." The boy said not wanting to argue with the girl.
       "What are you gonna do after PM?" The blonde asked looking into the boy's brown eyes. She was expecting the worst at this moment.
       "I'll just join some dance crew or something... I'll figure it out" Nick said wrapping his arm around her. "Let's go back on the bus, it's cold out here" The boy said and the girl sighed.
      "I-I don't re-really want to..." Hailey spoke out softly, and the boy looked at her. "I-I-I can't f-face Zion I-I can't" The blonde said shaking her head.
       "You won't have to, okay? Just walk in head held up high and he won't bother you. If he does, I'll fucking deck him" Nick said and the girl just shrugged. She believed Nick would be by her side, but she just couldn't face her ex.
         "I-I-I dunno N-Nick..." the blonde girl said looking down. "I-I hurt him an-and I just can't look at him..." Hailey said, tears welling up in her eyes.
       "Hey" Nick said softly tilting her chin up to look at him. "You don't have to look at him" he said wiping her streaming tears off her face with his thumb. "Just ignore him, and I'm sure he's too much in his self ego to give a fuck" The brown haired boy concluded.
       Hailey nodded and grabbed Nick's hand in hers. They held hands and walked back towards the bus. Little did they know, hell was breaking loose inside.

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