Can I Move In?

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   A month later, Hailey and the Iconic Boyz were all in New Jersey. At 9am, Nick was getting ready to go rehearse with the Iconic Boyz. Hailey woke up and rubbed her eyes as she heard the boy getting ready.
"Did I wake you up?" Nick asked softly as he slipped on his sweatpants.
"No" Hailey said as she got up from the bed and hugged his waist. The boy smiled and hugged her close to him. "Are you going to eat breakfast with me?" the girl asked making the boy smile.
"I'll make myself a protein shake, but yeah I'll eat with you" the brown haired boy said pulling away and taking her hand in his.
The two walked hand in hand into the kitchen. Hailey got herself a bowl, poured cereal in it and then milk in afterwards. Nick started to make his protein shake and sat down next to her.
"So babe I'm going to be gone for around eight hours to rehearse" Nick said as he took a sip of his shake.
"Damn that's insane" Hailey said as she ate her cereal.
"Eh it's nothing I'm not used to" Nick said with a shrug and the girl smiled.
"I'm so proud of you" the blonde said with a smile. The boy smiled back and gave her a kiss on the head as he got up.
"Thank you! I'll text you when we're down rehearsals" Nick said as he picked up his bag. Hailey nodded as the boy walked towards the door.
"WAIT!" the blonde yelled as she ran down the stairs to the boy. "I gotta give you a hug" Hailey said and wrapped her arms around his torso.
Nick smiled as he wrapped his arms around the girl's waist. She nuzzled her head into his chest as he rubbed her back soothingly.
"I love you" he said as he pulled away from the hug.
"I love you too. Have fun" Hailey said and the boy opened the door to walk out.
"Thanks. I will" Nick said walking towards his car and Hailey watched him smiling proudly.
Nick pulled out of the driveway and Hailey closed her door. She was about to lock it when she heard a knock on the door. She unlocked it and opened the door.
"What'd you forget Ni-oh ummm hey girl!" Hailey said shocked to see who was in front of her.
"Hey can I move in?" Ashley asked and Hailey was surprised by this sudden question.
"Sure! Nick's moved out of the basement so you can stay there" Hailey joked to her friend who came in with bags.
         "Awesome!" the brown haired girl said making the blonde confused.
        "What's with all the bags...?" Hailey questioned trailing off becoming more confused.
         "How else would I carry my clothes and everything else dumbass?" Ashley asked sassily and the older girl's eyebrows rose.
        "Wait...what happened to you and Edwin? Aren't you-" Hailey stopped her words when Ashley started sobbing. The girl gasped and pulled her friend into her. "Oh no honey what happened?" the older girl asked as she rubbed the younger girl's back.
       "I-I-I came home o-one night... a-and I thought D-Drew w-was fucking some girl..." Ashley started between sobs. "But i-it was Edwin! HE FUCKING CHEATED ON ME HAILS!" the brown haired girl yelled and Hailey's eyebrows furrowed together upset.
          "WHAT A DOUCHEBAG! WHO THE FUCK WOULD CHEAT ON SOMEONE AS BEAUTIFUL AND SWEET AS YOU?!? WHAT THE FUCK!? FUCK HIM-NOT LITERALLY! WHAT A DOUCHE!" Hailey yelled angry and hurt for her best friend. Ashley giggled softly at her friend's commentary.
        "I-I hate him..." the girl said softly as Hailey gave her a sympathetic smile.
        "But hey, you're free to stay here! Nick's out rehearsing he'll be back later. You can have the spare room. But let's go into my room and just relax, okay?" the blonde suggested as she picked up her friend's bags and walked upstairs with her.
Hailey put Ashley's bags into her spare room and walked into her own room.
"Let it out Ash" Hailey said softly as she held the girl close to her. Ashley cried into the girl's chest. She was glad she could finally let out all the pain she was golden in.
Rehearsal ended and Nick couldn't wait to come home to Hailey. The boy opened the front door and walked upstairs. He slipped off his shirt and threw it on the ground.
"Hey baby so uhhh we were doing this dance" Nick said as he slipped off his sweatpants. "And it really turned me on cause I started thinking about you and now I'm hard" the boy said as he opened the door to their bedroom. "So would you mind if we-uh fuck...what's going on?" Nick asked grabbing his sweatpants and pulling them back on.
"Hey babe. Yeah this isn't the time for sex" Hailey said looking down at the boy whose boner was showing through his grey sweats. "Edwin cheated on Ashley..." Hailey said softly, and Nick's eyes widened.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! OF ALL THE GUYS EDWIN?! WHAT A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG! I KNEW HE WASN'T AS NICE AS HE PLAYED OFF TO BE! YOU DESEVE SOMEONE BETTER!" Nick said as he sat down next to Ashley and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry about him! We'll find you someone better and more deserving of you!" the boy said as he rubbed her back.
Hailey smiled at her boyfriend who was protective of her best friend. The girl rubbed Ashley's back soothingly.
Later that night, Ashley was in the shower as Nick and Hailey laid in bed together.
"Sorry we couldn't have sex but she was just so broken I coul-" Nick waved the girl off understanding.
"No it's fine. I can fix myself if I need to" Nick said and placed a kiss onto Hailey's cheek.
"Hmm how was rehearsal?" Hailey asked and the boy smiled and his eyes brightened up.
"Great actually! We had a lot of fun but it was a lot of fucking work yo" the boy said and the girl nodded understanding.
         "But you got this! I can't wait to see you guys on tour" the girl said and placed a kiss onto Nick's lips. The boy kissed back and pulled Hailey close to him. A few moments later, Ashley got out of the shower and knocked on their door.
        "C-can I come in?" Ashley asked with a few sniffles following.
        "Yeah" Hailey said as she pulled away from Nick who was pouting. Hailey waved him off, making him chuckle. Ashley opened the door, and sighed softly.
         "You gonna be okay tonight?" Hailey asked the girl whose eyes were bloodshot from crying so much.
        "I-I-I dunno... I-I think so..." Ashley stuttered out but Hailey knew she was bluffing.
        "You're bluffing I can tell. I can lay with you in the spare room, I don't mind" Hailey offered and Ashley nodded that being what she really wanted. "Alright I'll be there in a few" the blonde told her friend and the brown haired girl walked out.
        "I'll miss you" Nick said with a pout. Hailey felt bad that he was away for eight hours, didn't get to have sex, and now they can't even cuddle in bed.
      "I'll miss you too. I'm sorry babe I-I-" Nick kissed Hailey lovingly to hush her rambles.
      "Hey, hey, it's okay. I understand. Friends before boyfriends" Nick said understanding. "And worst case scenario, I'll just get myself off or something" the brown haired boy shrugged. Hailey giggled at her boyfriend and placed a kiss onto his lips. The boy kissed back smiling into it.
        "Goodnight babe" Hailey said as she got up out of their bed.
        "Goodnight baby. I love you" Nick said with a smile and the girl smiled back.
        "I love you too" the blonde said blowing her boyfriend a kiss before walking out of their room. She closed the door and walked into the spare room.
        "Hey" Hailey said softly, not wanting to frighten Ashley.
        "H-hi... I-I want to go back to Brandon" Ashley said to the girl as she shut the door.
       "Uh wait what? Did I hear that right?" the blonde questioned her friend as she laid down next to her.
        "Mhm. I-I-I want to go back to him. He didn't d-do anything wrong Hails. It was me, well Edwin wanted me to cheat, but anyways he didn't hurt me. I hurt him... I-I just d-don't know i-if he'll take me b-b-back..." Ashley said, her lip quivered as she was going to cry again.
        "I'm sure he would. He loves you, it'll hurt but he'll take you back. But let's get some sleep and we can talk to B tomorrow?" Hailey suggested and the younger girl let out a deep sigh.
        Hailey sighed as well, and laid on her back looking up at the ceiling. She wished Ashley wasn't going through this pain, and hoped that she was right about Brandon going back to Ashley. But the problem is, they don't know what he's up to lately.

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