I Can't Lose You

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Red flashing lights lit up the arena. The EMT's made their way to the backstage where the group was. The guy rolled out the stretcher and put Zion onto it. Hailey's eyes were watering as she watched him get put onto the stretcher.
"Whose related to him here?" the EMT said.
"We're his cousins" Ashley said and looked at Hailey.
"Okay" the EMT said putting the stretcher into the ambulance. Hailey got into the ambulance with Ashley and she started assuming the worst.
"What if he dies Ash? What if he's in a coma forever? What if he fucking had bleeding in the brain? Ashley I-I can't lose him... I-I love him still" Hailey said forgetting how Ashley said they're cousins.
"Of course you still do, he's our cousin... I don't think anything will go wrong... I just hope the guy who beat him up is found" Ashley said making the EMT look at her.
"Someone beat him up? Well, that explains all the bleeding and bruises" the EMT said as he took notes from what the girl said.
"Yeah" Hailey said, and she felt guilty. She was hiding the truth, but she had to. She had to protect Nick as well as get Zion help.
They got to the hospital and Zion was still out cold. Hailey sat down next to the boy. She held the boy's hand tightly into hers. Hailey's brown eyes filled with tears. Ashley was standing on the other side of the room because she didn't want to leave Hailey alone in this painful state.
"P-p-please wake up..." Hailey said softly and her eyes started watering. "Y-you mean so much to me. I-I-I know what I did was fucked. I-I shouldn't have cheated on you with Nick!" the girl said as tears fell down from her eyes. "I-I-I still l-love you Z" the girl said tears forming in her eyes.
"PLEASE JUST WAKE UP! DON'T FUCKING LEAVE ME PLEASE! I CAN'T H-HAVE THIS HAPPEN!" Hailey yelled to the boy who was unconscious. Ashley walked over to the girl and started to rub her back. The blonde looked at the dreaded haired boy as his eyes were still shut.
Hailey cupped the boy's cheek and more tears slipped from her eyes. "Y-you were m-my first l-love Zion... I-I don't know what I would d-do without you. S-sure-" the girl stopped as she started to sob into the boy's side.
"Hails..." Ashley said softly as she rubbed the girl's shoulder.
"No don't "Hails" me! I-I know even if he's u-unconscious he can h-hear me. I-I need to say this!" Hailey said as she lifted her head up to look at Zion. "I still love you" the blonde said as she placed a kiss onto the boy's bruised cheek.
"He'll wake up Hails, he will. He's a strong boy" Ashley said trying to brighten things up. Deep down Ashley wasn't even sure if Zion would wake up or not.
Hailey started crying into the boy's chest and memories of the two came back to her. She was still holding onto Zion's hand as memories flew into her mind. The memories of the time they first admitted they liked each other came to mind.
         "Did you read the caption?" Zion asked the girl who responded by shaking her head. "I think you should..." he trailed off, making the girl curious. She read the caption and locked eyes with the boy.
        "And what are those reasons?" Hailey asked liking the photo before locking her phone.
        "Well, Simba obviously" Zion said and the girl nodded. "Guess the second" he said with a smirk.
       "Tour starting in a few days?" Hailey guessed and the boy shook his head.
        "Maybe I should show you what my second reason is..." Zion said trailing off.
       "How would-" Hailey was cut off by Zion's lips placed on hers. She smiled into the kiss and kissed him back. Zion removed his hand from Simba, and put it on the girl's waist.
        Hailey let out a sigh and looked at the boy. He wasn't moving at all besides his chest going up and down as he breathed. The girl started to remember that Zion was the one who she lost her v-card to.
       "NO! I want to do this it's just....um, m-my first t-time" the girl admitted her face turning bright red. The boy smiled softly and placed a loving kiss to her lips.
         "Are you positive you want to do it?" Zion asked and the girl nodded. "100% sure?" He asked.
         "Yes Z, I trust you" Hailey said truthfully, and the boy nodded.
          "It's honestly an honor" Zion said softly sliding his hand up her shirt. "I'll take care of you baby. If you want to stop, tell me" he said, wanting Hailey to be comfortable.
          "Mhm" Hailey said as she bit her lip. She was shocked that she even started teasing him previously. It wasn't like her to do that, but she did. She knew she could trust Zion, and that he's the one who should take it.
        "You ready?" Zion asked, biting his lip and looked up at the girl.
         "More than ever" Hailey said softly, biting her lip as she watched the boy.
      Tears fell from her eyes as she remember that. That's one thing Nick will never be able to take from her. It was a special moment only Zion and Hailey could share. It could never be done over again. Hailey then remembered how they had a child together, even though she did end up loosing it.
       "I love you and this baby we made together that is forming inside of you. I'm sorry I overreacted and didn't allow you to explain yourself. You had EVERY right to wait to tell me. I want this baby as much as you do. We created a beautiful or handsome baby. I can't wait to see them in 9 months" Zion said and the crowd all clapped.
        "Zion oh my god" Hailey said, her eyes welling up in tears. She started to cry on stage as Zion pulled her into a hug which she returned.
       "I'm really sorry" Zion spoke softly into the girl's ear making her nod.
      "Me too" Hailey said before quickly pulling away.
"Wait!" Zion said before running to the other side of the stage. He grabbed a bouquet of roses and handed them to her.
"Z..." Hailey said softly as she took the beautiful red roses in her hand. She smelt it and smiled at him. "Smells beautiful. Thank you" she said before placing a kiss onto his cheek.
"Anything for you" Zion said with a smile.
        "Z pl-please...w-w-wake up.. for me. I-if not me y-your family" the blonde said gripping hard onto the boy's hand. "PLEASE ZION PLEASE! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS! I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE PLEASE!" Hailey yelled at the boy who was laying their motionless.
         The girl cried into the boy's chest. Hailey got up from the chair and let go of Zion's hand. Ashley watched as the girl laid down in the hospital bed besides him. She wrapped her arm around his waist, and laid her head onto his chest. Hailey took Zion's arm and wrapped it around her. Ashley sighed and had no idea what she should do.
          "I-I really hope th-this isn't the last t-time I-I-I get to hold you..." the blonde said as she closed her eyes. "I-I love you Z a-and I won't ever s-stop" Hailey said and cried harder.
         Zion's phone started to ring and Ashley handed it to Hailey. She saw that Elom was calling and let out a deep breath.
        "ZION I'M TRYING TO PLAY DUELS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Elom yelled into the phone, and the girl sniffled.
        "H-hey Elom... it's Hailey... I-I don't think we'll be back tonight" the girl said, and Elom smirked on the other line.
        "Well damn what happened to N-" Hailey sighed and interrupted the dirty minded boy.
         "Z's in the hospital" Hailey told Zion's younger brother truthfully.
         "What the fuck?!? Why the fuck is he in the hospital?!" the younger Kuwonu asked panicking.
          "He um got beat up... I'll call you with updates..." Hailey said with a sniffle and the younger boy hung up. This is going to be a long haul.
       Hailey glanced at the heart monitor that started to beep crazily. The girl jumped up and got off the bed. A nurse ran in and read his heart rate.
        "PREP THE OR NOW!" a nurse yelled and Hailey started to freak out.
        "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HIM?!? WHY IS HIS HEART RATE SO HIGH!?! HELLO?!" Hailey yelled as the nurses rolled Zion out of the room. Hailey was about to chase after them when Ashley held her back.
         "It's going to be okay" Ashley said as she pulled Hailey into her. She rubbed the older girl's back to soothe her.
        "A-ASHLEY! I-I CAN'T L-LOSE HIM!" Hailey yelled between sobs. She had no idea what was going to happen in the operating room, and that's what scared her most.  

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