The Last Show

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Hailey and Nick walked into the tour bus and Edwin was kissing Ashley on the couch.
"Well okay then..." Hailey said with shock that the two were making out in the open.
"Like you and Nick weren't just doing this before" Ashley said sassily and flipped the girl off.
"Whatever" Hailey said and Brandon walked in. Ashley started rolling her hips onto Edwin's making him groan. Brandon watched as the girl was focused on what she was doing with Edwin. The boy teared up and looked away from them.
Hailey and Nick walked away from the couple and went into his bunk. Nick slid into the bunk and the girl followed suit. She wrapped her arms around him as the boy pulled her into him.
"You're so beautiful Hails" Nick said softly as he cupped her cheek. The girl blushed at his comment.
"Thank you, you're handsome" Hailey said as she leaned into his lips. The boy looked at her lips and then attached his to hers. The girl smiled into the kiss and the boy pulled away for a second.
"Why'd you pull away?" The girl asked the boy just stared into her eyes.
"I'm just admiring my girlfriend" the boy said and the girl rose her eyebrow.
"Nick, we're not even boyfriend and girlfriend..." Hailey said trailing off making the boy frown.
"Well I mean... uh... we are dating..." Nick said trailing off. "But I see what you mean" The brown haired boy said.
"I didn't mean to be rude I-I-I just was saying we're not actually "boyfriend and girlfriend" yet" Hailey explained herself. Nick nodded and smiled at her.
"I'll ask you to be my girlfriend at the right moment" The brown haired boy said with a smirk playing on his lips.
"HEY BITCH! WE'RE NOT BROKEN UP YET!" Zion yelled from the backroom playing fortnite.
Hailey groaned and got up from Nick's bunk and walked towards Zion. The blonde walked into the room he was in and slapped him across the face. Zion gasped at the the sudden impact and rubbed his now throbbing cheek.
"What the fuck was that for?!" Zion asked and in the game he died. "Seriously bitch! See you made me fucking die!" Zion yelled pointing at the screen.
"Shut the fuck up! I'm only here to break up with you, okay? And I'm glad I did because you should just date fortnite since you're SO obsessed with the fucking game. Maybe you should marry it" Hailey said with a cocky smile playing on her lips. Zion stood up and towered over the girl.
"You know what Hails?" Zion asked and the girl looked into his eyes.
"What Z?" Hailey asked and the boy slammed the blonde against the wall. "Here we fucking go again" The blonde said rolling her eyes.
"At least fortnite is there for me and doesn't fucking CHEAT! Also anyone can be a better girlfriend than you were. You're so fucking ugly bitch I don't even know why I fucking dated you! Also you're so short how the fuck did I even ATTEMPT to kiss you?! I'm glad you're out of my life" Zion spat at the girl, and the girl's eyes welled up in tears. The words stung like a bee, and she looked down at the ground.
"I-I-I" Hailey stuttered out and sniffled.
"Don't try and act like you're all upset. Obviously I meant nothing to you because you hopped on Nick like we were NOTHING! Why don't you go fuck him to make your pain go away like you did last time you little hoe! I fucking HATE YOU HAILEY! YOU'RE A BITCH AND I'M SO GLAD WERE OVER! OUR RELATIONSHIP WAS SHIT AND YOU WERE A HORRIBLE GIRLFRIEND! ACTUALLY, OUR RELATIONSHIP MEANT NOTHING TO ME, AND NEITHER DID YOU! I'M GLAD WERE DONE DUMBASS UGLY LOOKING ASS BITCH!" Zion yelled and Hailey started crying. She kicked the boy in the balls and ran back to Nick's bunk. "YE-YEAH G-GO RUN T-TO YOU-YOUR RE-REBOUND!" The dreaded haired boy yelled through his pain.
The girl jumped into Nick's bunk and cried into him. The boy pulled her into him and rubbed her back.
"Shh, shh, babe what's wrong? Do I need to fuck him up because I fucking will! No one fucking hurts my baby!" Nick said and the girl shook her head against his chest.
"N-no" Hailey sobbed into his chest and looked up at him. Her cheeks were stained with tears that kept streaming down her face. "I-I'm u-ugly a-aren't I? A-and I'm s-short a-and-" Nick placed his finger over her lips.
"Woah woah woah! You are NOT ugly Hailey. You're beautiful inside and out, okay? And you're short yes, but so I am. I mean I'm fucking 5'8" so technically I'm short. But you being short just makes you even more adorable" Nick said wiping her tears away with the pad of his thumb.
Hailey sniffled and nodded at his comments. She put her hand on his that was on her cheek wiping her tears.
"W-why I-is he a-a-a dick?" Hailey asked, her voice cracking.
"Because he doesn't have one, so his personality has to make up for it" The brown haired boy said making the blonde girl laugh. As the laugh left her lips, the boy smiled. "That's the smile I love to see" Nick said and the girl pressed her lips against his. The boy kissed back softly, and tears streamed down her cheek. "Babe..." the boy sighed.
        "I-I-I... I'm just hurt... words hurt y-ya know?" Hailey asked and the boy nodded.
       "I know baby girl, but it's not even true. You're beautiful and he's just too blind to see it. Also, you're so cute and fun sized" Nick said pulling her onto him. The girl nuzzled her head into his neck and the boy smiled. "Are you gonna be okay to go to sleep now or do you stay up and chat?" The boy asked and the girl shrugged.
"I-I just wanna know if I really meant nothing to him..." the girl said letting out a shaky breath. "H-he said our relationship w-was nothing... and I meant nothing" Hailey said tears falling again.
"Oh please. He was head over heels for you. That's his dumbass ego talking. Besides, you have me now baby" Nick said rubbing her back.
        "Mhm I'm so grateful... you have a show tomorrow so I-I'm just gonna sleep, and you should too" Hailey mumbled into the boy's neck and he kissed her head.
       "Goodnight Hailey. Wake me up if you need me" Nick said rubbing her back and the girl nodded.
       "Thank you. Goodnight Nick" Hailey said closing her eyes to fall asleep.
        The next morning Ashley walked up to the black haired boy. He looked at her, and was expecting an apology.
       "We're over, hope you know that. Done. We're done. Brashley is no more. Ashwin for the win" Ashley said walking away leaving Brandon in complete shock and heartache.
        "O-okay..." Brandon said just accepting what she said to him.
        Nick and Hailey were in the bunk still sleeping. The two's legs were tangled up together and wrapped in each other's arms.
        "GOOD MORNING GUYS! IT'S THE LAST PM SHOW EVER!" Zion yelled and everyone groaned. Hailey yawned and her eyes fluttered open. Nick rubbed her side as he started to wake up.
        "Good morning" Hailey said softly, and the boy smiled.
        "Good morning baby" Nick said, his voice raspy from just waking up. Hailey smiled and pecked his lips. The boy smiled and nuzzled into her.
         "Still sleepy?" The girl asked to the boy who just stretched in response. The blonde giggled and the boy pulled her into him.
"No I'm just in the mood for cuddles" Nick said and Hailey was now the one to nuzzle into him.
Time rolled around slowly for the boys who were dreading this show. It was the finally show for the FOMO tour. The boys discussed what would happen to PM, and they were ready to be honest with the fans.
"No stupid shit on stage please" Edwin said to Nick and Zion.
"Yeah yeah nothing will happen if he doesn't bring Hailey into this" Zion said through his teeth.
"I won't dumbass" Nick said before they all ran on stage.
During the show, Nick got a bright idea and smirked.
"We decided to perform a new song off our EP" Nick says into his microphone making the boys looked confused.
"Not at this mo-" Zion was cut off by Nick waving him off.
"I need Hailey to come up on stage for this" Nick said with a smirk, and the girl walked up on stage confused. Zion's eyes turned a dark brown due to anger. "Here's "One Shot"!" The brown haired boy said and the BEANZ went wild.
Edwin starting singing the first verse and when Nick started singing he pulled Hailey into him. The girl blushed and looked at the boy.
"I bet my shirt feels good upon your skin. I bet you love the feelin' I give in it. I bet you told him we were nothing" Nick said looking over at Zion with a smirk. Hailey bit her lip as Nick pulled her into him "I bet you told him we were nothing" the boy sang concluding his solo.
"N-N-Nick..." Hailey whispered confused on what the boy's intentions were.
"Trust me" Nick whispered into the girl's ear as he turned her away from him. Hailey was confused until her butt was pressed up against him. The girl's eyes widened as Brandon started to sing the chorus and Nick started to grind into Hailey.
The girl gasped and looked back at the boy. Nick chuckled and the girl started to go along with his movements. The two grinded on each other on stage as the boys sang.
"Why?" Hailey asked and the boy just chuckled and turned him towards her.
"Becau-" Nick was explaining himself, but Hailey didn't pay attention. She turned her attention away from Nick when Zion started to sing his solo. His voice started to crack as he sang.
"Do you love, do you love, do you love? Babe" Zion sang and looked at Hailey. The two made eye contact and the boy's eyes watered. "When you say you love me like that. You ain't gotta hold back. It'll take a second to believe in us, to believe in love" Zion choked out the last words and turned away from Hailey.
The girl watched the boy break down and half of her wanted to run to him and hug him. The other half wanted to walk off stage. She didn't know what to do.
Zion faced away from the crowd crying into his hands. He didn't think he would cry because of Hailey, but here he was. He thought it was all anger towards her, but he loves her. He always will, and seeing her with Nick hurts.
Zion let out a deep breath and shook his head. Get back into the performance mode forget her, the boy thought to himself. He wiped his remaining tears and turned back towards the crowd. He glanced over towards Hailey and Nick who were still grinding on each other to the end of "One Shot".
The song ended, and Hailey kissed Nick quickly making the boy kiss back.
"I'll see you later" Nick said, smirking ready for later.
"Mmmm okay" Hailey said, biting her lip and ran off stage.
Zion watched the girl he loves run down the stairs towards backstage. He just wanted to scream, cry, and punch the wall. How was she fine and while he was in so much pain?, he thought to himself.
The beat to "Temporary Heart" started and Austin sang his solo. Zion wasn't sure if he could sing his. The boy let out a shaky breath and started to sing.
"Said that you'd be cheerin' in the bleachers, instead your only focus was demeanor. My mama told me she can't wait to-" Zion stopped mid-line thinking about how his family was excited to meet Hailey. Now all of that wasn't going to happen. He stuttered out his next lines "I just wish I woulda' known before it hurt" he sang and looked at Hailey who was backstage.
The song was coming to a close when Zion sang, "Is this temporary heart-" the boy broke down not being able to finish his lines.
"I-it fucking i-is TEMPORARY!" Zion yelled in tears and Brandon looked at him. He felt the boy's pain, but at a much less degree than Zion's.
Hailey watched Zion break down and she gasped. Her chest felt like someone clenched in and was ready to rip her heart out of it. Her eyes watered watching him break down.
The blonde girl was shaking seeing how he really felt now. He acted like he doesn't care, but he truly does. She started to cry into her hands finally understanding.
The boys concluded to show with "Phases". The decision was made that PRETTYMUCH would come to an end this night.
"Guys this is our final show on the FOMO tour" Edwin said into the microphone and the crowd awwwed in sadness. "But, this is also the last PRETTYMUCH show...ever" the dyed blued haired boy said shocking the crowd.
Gasps, "OH MY GOD"'s and screams of anger were heard throughout the venue. Brandon was giving Edwin a dirty glance as the words left his mouth.
"We're sorry that this had to a short 3 years of PRETTYMUCH... but due to some personal issues, we have to breakup. It wasn't good mentally, emotionally or physically for all of us on tour" Austin said and the boy stopped when Zion charged at Nick.
At first the BEANZ thought that the boy was running to hug him, but were shocked when Zion's fist collided with Nick's cheek. Fans took out their phones and started to record.
Nick groaned and punched the boy back. The two started to fist fight on stage making two security guards ran on stage. One grabbed Zion and the other grabbed Nick.
"GO TO HELL NICHOLAS CARTER MARA! YOU'RE A DOUCHEBAG!" Zion yelled and the crowd yelled "ooooohhhhh".
"Alright ummmm, goodnight everyone" Edwin said walking off stage with Brandon and Austin.
Nick stood there on stage with the security guard holding him back. The boy wanted to push the guard off him and tackle Zion to the ground and beat him to a pulp, but he know he shouldn't do that.
"Let me fucking go. I want to fucking go see Hailey" Nick said, panting and the guard brought him to the blonde who was backstage. She was shaking her head and ran up to the boy. The boy hugged her tightly and Hailey looked up at him.
"Are you bleeding? Are you hurt?" Hailey asked observing Nick looking at his eyes, nose, cheeks, jaw and anywhere else she could imagine Zion punched him.
"I'm fine Hails" Nick said, wiping blood from his lip. "Let's just go" he said taking her hand in his.
"I should get you an ice pack you're bleeding..." Hailey said and the boy waved her off.
"I don't fucking need one" Nick said, becoming more angry at her. The girl was surprised by his tone but knew it was from what just happened.
The two walked hand in hand back to the tour bus. She just stared at the ground not knowing what to do. She knew Nick was angry at Zion, but she felt that if she said something wrong he'd snap at her. Hailey wondered if she talk things out with Zion, or leave it be.

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