I'm Sorry

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   Hailey picked up her phone and saw that Zion texted her. She clicked on his message and read it.
Zion- hey Hails what's going on with you and dick?
Zion- Nick* sorry autocorrect is a bitch 😭
Hailey- haha whatever... um we've been fighting over stupid shit honestly. First when I told you about him being jealous of you and I being friends and thennnnn now because of me being a dumbass bitch...
Zion- that wasn't really explaining the station.......
Hailey- I just wanted to go on a date with Nick, like on a SOLO date for our first date but HE wants it to be a DOUBLE DATE with Ashwin...😐
Zion- well that's a little selfish

😐         Zion- well that's a little selfish          Hailey- THANKS ZION YOU'RE SO FUCKING HELPFUL          Zion-

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Hailey- 😐 at least you're cute I guess...
Zion- yeah I am 😘
Zion- did you read Nick's comment on your finsta?
Hailey- no why?
Zion- you should
Hailey- okay...
Zion- just warning... it's gonna sting
Hailey- wonderful
Zion- ❤️
Hailey- 💞
         Hailey got out of her text messages and went onto her finsta. She then read Nick's comment and her heart started to race a mile a minute.   nicholascspam- YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!, I THINK I SHOULD JUST FUCKING BREAK UP WITH YOUR ASS.
        The girl's eyes started to water as she thought he really was going to break up with her. The blonde then decided to call her boyfriend. Hailey pressed on Nick's contact name and called him.
"What the fuck do you want? Wait... probably Zion right? Let me just ha-" Hailey cut off Nick.
"N-NICK S-S-STOP!" Hailey said between sobs. "C-can y-you c-come..." the girl struggled to get her words out. The boy sighed on the other line and hung up. "FUCK!" The girl yelled as she threw her phone on the floor. She didn't care if her phone cracked at this point.
Hailey cried into her pillow as she felt heartbreak all over again. But some reason breaking up with Nick hurt her more than breaking up with Zion.
A knock on the Hailey's bedroom door startled her but she didn't even bother looking up at who walked it. The girl just kept crying into the pillow. The door opened and then closed as the person walked in.
"I-I HATE MY-MYSELF!" Hailey yelled as she looked up to the headboard as she cried. She put her face in her hands as she sobbed. "I-I-Nick deserves beTTER THAN ME!" the girl yelled as she punched the headboard.
"If you hate yourself, at least know that I love you" the fimilar voice was heard from the side of her bed. The girl ignored it as she cried more. The bed sank a bit as the boy sat next to her.
"Y-you shouldn't-" the girl said only for the boy's arms to pull her into him. He pulled her onto his lap and held her close to him.
"Couples fight Hails it's not uncommon...we're just being petty..." Nick said softly as he wiped her tears away. The girl leaned into his chest sniffling.
"I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry" Hailey stuttered out between sobs. The boy laid down and pulled her into his chest. He rubbed her back as she nuzzled her face into his chest.
"I'm sorry too baby" Nick said softly and the girl just kept crying. "Hailey..." the boy said softly and peppered kisses onto her face.
"I-I-I just... I'm h-hurt a-and I-I just... I'm such a-a bitch N-Nick! Why do you even love me?!" The girl asked and the boy shifted and tilted her chin up to look at him.
"Why do I love you?!" Nick asked the girl who nodded. "Damn. Hailey where do I even start? You're the girl who makes me smile on my toughest days. The girl I think about when I'm writing love songs. The girl who I can't wait to see when I finally get home when I'm at the recording studio all day. I love the way your eyes light up when you're happy or look at me. The way you're not afraid to be yourself. I love how honest you are about things, even if they're petty" the boy said making the girl laugh softly. "Baby, I could go on and on for DAYS as to why I love you" Nick said and the girl kissed him softly. The boy kissed her back lovingly.
"I-I love you too Nick" Hailey said with a sniffle. The boy rubbed her side as she sighed in contentment. "I'm so sorry...we can go on our double date as our first date. I shouldn't be so selfish and I was starting so damn shit that was unnecessary ..." the blonde rambled and the boy hushed her.
        "I already have a plan for our first date. It's not with Ed and Ash... so just be prepared" Nick said making the girl raise a brow.
        "Why did-" the boy placed his hand over the girl's mouth.
         "You'll see" Nick said with a wink leaving the girl in wonder.

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