Moving Arrangements

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  Hailey turned the door knob and closed the door behind her. She let out a shaky breath knowing it was the end of Zailey. She wiped the final tears that left her sad, brown eyes. She was glad Zion and her ended on a good note, but she also knew she would miss him.
The words that Zion told her a few minutes ago ran through her mind.  "I'll always be here, but you need to go be with Nick. It's you guys turn to be in love". She knew Zion would be there for her, not matter what.
Zion stared at the closed door for a few seconds before tears fell from his eyes. He really lost his love to one of his ex-band mates. "You were my first love Z, and I'm always going to love you". Zion softly smiled remembering the words that Hailey said to him. He was her first love, and she was his. Nothing would change that.
Hailey walked down the stairs and went to find Nick sitting on the couch talking to Edwin. The girl smiled as she walked over to him and sat down next to him. The boy put his arm over the girl's shoulder.
        "What's up baby? I was just telling Ed that I need to pack and leave the PM house soon. The only issue is I don't have a place to go to. Unless I go back home to Jer-" Nick was cut off by Hailey's offer.
        "You can move in with me" Hailey said cutting off the boy. Nick chuckled and blushed at her comment.
        "Usually the boyfriend is suppose to ask their girlfriend to move in. Not the other way around" Nick said and the girl rolled her eyes.
       "Nick shut up. Yes or no? I would you love for you to" the blonde said playing with her thumbs. The brown haired boy smiled at her and kissed her cheek.
       "I think that's a good idea" Nick said and Hailey looked up at him and smiled.
        "Yay!" Hailey said and threw her fist up in the air doing a happy dance on the couch. Nick giggled at the girl and stood up.
       "I should start packing some of my shit then huh?" The brown haired boy asked and the girl shrugged.
        "Depends on when you want to move in" the blonde girl said and the tall boy walked down the stairs.
       "You two are making moving in arrangements?" Zion asked, his voice a bit soft due to being hurt. Hailey turned to him and sighed.
       "Yeah, um... it's just to my house because of Nick not wanting to stay in the PM house anymore ya know?" Hailey asked and the dreaded haired boy nodded understanding.
        "Makes sense I suppose" Zion said with a shrug before walking towards the kitchen. Nick looked at Hailey and waved her over to him.
        The girl stood up and walked over towards him. He took her hand in his and the two walked upstairs to Nick's room. The boy turned on the light and walked over to his closet. Hailey walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso.
        "What are you going to do now that PM is done?" Hailey asked, starting to worry about him.
        "I dunno. I might talk to Louis about brining back the Iconic Boyz or something" Nick said and the girl squealed.
         "PLEASE DO! PLEASE DO!" Hailey said excitedly making the boy face her.
        "You're adorable" the brown haired boy said cupping her cheek. The girl's cheek turned a bright pink color.
       "T-thanks Nick" the blonde girl said avoiding eye contact because she knew she would only blush more.
       "Hey..." he said to the girl. "Look at me" Nick said and the girl stared into the boy's brown eyes. Hailey smiled at him and the blush grew to a deeper pink.
        "Don't laugh" Hailey said, becoming embarrassed that she's blushing even when they're dating.
       "About what, your blush? I honestly think it's adorable" Nick said and Hailey leaned in to kiss him. Nick kissed back and the two shared a passionate kiss.
"Okay" Hailey said pulling away. "We need to start packing" the girl said becoming determined.
"Alright" Nick said taking his clothes out of the closet and putting them into a bag.
"Do we need boxes? I could go get some somewhere" Hailey offered and the boy thought for a moment.
"We can always get that shit another day. Let's just get my most important stuff like clothes, shampoo and all that other shit" Nick said and the girl giggled.
"What do you want me to pack for you?" Hailey asked and the boy pointed towards his drawers.
"All my socks and boxers are in there" he said and Hailey couldn't help but laugh.
"You would make me go into your boxer drawer" Hailey said opening it and the boy smiled at her all cheekily.
"You love me" Nick said and the girl had butterflies in her stomach once he said that. She did loves him but she was too scared to tell him that yet.
"Hmmm maybe I do" Hailey said and the boy stopped his movements and looked at her.
"Wait...what?" The brown haired boy asked surprised walking over to her. The girl froze and immediately regretting saying anything.
"I-I-FUCK I-I shouldn't have-" Hailey was cut off by Nick's lips colliding with hers. Hailey relaxed into the kiss and kissed him back.
"I love you Hailey" Nick said as they pulled away from the kiss.
"I love you Nick" Hailey said, feeling more comfortable admitting it now after he said it.
After an hour of packing up bags and carrying them to Hailey's car they decided to say their goodbyes to the boys and Ashley for now.
"Bye Ed" Hailey said giving him a hug which he returned.
"Nah Hails this isn't bye, it's more of a I'll see you soon. You know you will! I'm dating your best friend!" Edwin said once they pulled away from the embrace.
"You're right" Hailey said giggling and then hugged Austin and Brandon. She then looked at Zion and the boy looked back at her.
"We don't have to hug..." Zion said softly, and looked down at the ground. Hailey wrapped her arms around his torso making the boy gasp at her sudden actions.
"I want to" Hailey said softly, and the boy wrapped his arms around her waist. "Goodbye Z, thanks for everything..." the girl whispered, tears threatening to pour out of her eyes.
"Goodbye Hails, thank you for everything too" Zion whispered with a sniffle following.
Nick watched the two embraced and wanted to clear his throat to have Hailey pull away. But he knew that wasn't the right thing to do. They were friends before being a couple so obviously it's a lot more difficult to say goodbye.
Hailey pulled away and looked at his features one more time. Zion blinked a few times to keep the tears from falling from his eyes. The blonde turned her attention to her brown haired friend.
"Don't even say goodbye bitch this isn't goodbye. I'll probably be over tomorrow anyways" Ashley said making Hailey laugh at her comment.
"You're right. I'll see you tomorrow bitch!" Hailey said hugging Ashley making her smile.
"See ya bitch" Ashley said once the two pulled away.
Hailey grabbed Nick's hand in hers and walked to her car. Nick was quieter than usual, but she figured why.
"Don't take the Zion and I hugging thing weird please..." Hailey said softly, as if she read Nick's mind.
"How'd you know?" Nick asked surprised she knew exactly how he felt.
"I know you babe" Hailey said unlocking her car and the two got into it.
"Okay, yeah, it did bother me a bit but I know you and him were best friends before you two dated..." the boy said as Hailey started to drive to her house.
"Thanks for understanding" Hailey said and the boy smiled softly.
"Of course. I'm gonna text Louis and see what he thinks about the Iconic Boyz reunion" Nick said taking out his phone from his pocket.
"Yeah do that! I'm excited to see how it'll turn out" the blonde said as she drove.
Nick pulled up Louis' contact and started to type the message.
Nick- hey Louis I have a question, it's a bit odd but I'm curious
Louis- shoot
Nick- so ya know how PM is broken up now?
Louis- yea I heard about's all over my feed. What happened?
Nick- long story short, Zion and I both love Hailey and she ended up choosing me at the wrong time...
Louis- yikes man... but what's the question?
Nick- would you want to try an get the Iconic Boyz back together? I know it's a stretch but maybe it'll happen
Louis- yeah dude! I'll hit up Madison and Thomas and let em know
Nick- ight thanks man. I'll hit up Mikey and Jason tell them what's up
Louis- ight bro keep me updated
Nick- likewise
"So Louis is all for the idea! We just gotta wait on the other four's opinions" Nick said and Hailey smiled as she pulled into her driveway.
"Yay! I'm so happy for you. I hope it all works out babe" Hailey said as she parked her car and got out. Nick got out and smiled at her.
"Me too" he said as the two grabbed some bags to bring in.
Later that night, Hailey and Nick were sitting in the living room watching tv. Nick still hasn't unpacked any of the bags they brought over yet. Hailey giggled and took a photo of the boy.

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Liked by therealnickmara and 89,470 others.
hailsss_19- this boy thinks just because he moved into my house he doesn't have to unpack his own shit 🙄 @therealnickmara
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therealnickmara- we've been packing and bringing my shit here all day, give me a break 🥺
hailsss_19- @therealnickmara you're lucky I love you 😚
therealnickmara- @hailsss_19 I love you 😘
zionkuwonu- I thought I was lazy, but after this post I'm wondering if he's really the lazy one 🤭
hailsss_19- @zionkuwonu 😂😂😂
therealnickmara- @zionkuwonu shut up dipshit🖕🏼
Nick was jealous how Zion and her were still friends after the breakup, but he shook it off. Hailey is his, and nothing will change that.

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