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Issei and I were training again, but this time with the symbiotes, I use Carnage so I can get used to her and he uses Venom so he can use him in case I get knocked out during the rating game since I'm only human. Issei has grown both physically and mentally since I've taken him on. He has at least somewhat defined muscles now and he doesn't think of women as items to take his sexual desires out on anymore, so he now seeks a companion rather than a sex doll. I've trained with Koneko a little more as well, she no longer loses control completely when she bonds with Carnage and instead uses her strength with Carnage's speed to overwhelm and beat her opponent to a pulp, unfortunately I was that opponent. Akeno and Rias tried to get me to learn magic beyond my basic destruction and fire resistance but I declined and focused on training Issei and Koneko. I hope that these two will carry this thing and my strategy is heavily reliant on my defeat. I'll explain later.

Anyways back to me and my pupil. We circled each other as the symbiotes slowly spread over us, once we were covered by the living armour we charged I slashed downwards as Issei created a shield on one arm and punched me in the gut with the other knocking me back allowing Issei to grab my leg and slam me into the ground before going for a stomp which I narrowly avoided by moving my head. I wrapped my legs around his and tripped him up while jumping out of the way only for him to shoot a web at me which connected to my head and with a tug I was yanked back to the black mass, Issei raised his fist which glowed green for a moment my eyes widened and a voice boomed from Issei.
The fist connected to my jaw and I felt it snap from its joints as I flew into a tree only to be impaled by a branch. With a cry blood began to pour from the wound and due to the immense pain I passed out.

Issei PoV...
Thanks to using Venom as a conduit I was able to boost without feeling like I'm burning to death from the inside out afterward. Thanks to Y/N's training I feel like I can save Rias and the others from any threat that will come. I waited for a couple of minutes before pursuing Y/N into the forest.

"Yo Y/N? Where are you man?" I called out hearing a branch snap and quickly turned to see Y/N fall out of a tree with a branch sticking out of his chest. I ran up to him and pulled the branch out and let Carnage fill the hole the branch left before hoisting Y/N over my shoulder and bring him to the Mansion, I just hope that he comes to in time cause the game is tomorrow. I brought him inside and was spotted by everyone, the girls screamed at the sight of me and Y/n while Kiba looked confused.

"Jeez perv, you saw he was getting close to us and you try to kill him! What the hell is wrong with you!" Koneko burst out grabbing my neck, thanks to Venom however I couldn't feel it.
"Relax Koneko, he's not dead we just went to far training that's all." I said grabbing her wrist and removed her hand from my neck before shoving my way past her. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm bringing him to bed then you and me are going to fight using the symbiotes. We need to be ready in case Y/N gets killed during the rating game, he's only human after all. We can't rely on him completely so meet me outside in ten." I said proceeding to Y/N's room.
(Out of curiosity am I using the hyphen correctly I always get confused about its uses, so if some one knows your help would be appreciated.)

Koneko PoV...
'When did the pervert become sensible? This doesn't make sense he's supposed to be a dumbass, I guess Y/N is having an influence on him.' I thought to myself as Rias giggled along with Akeno.

"Ara Ara~ it would seem our kitten has found her prey." Akeno teased getting a nod from Rias while I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
"I don't know what your talking about." I said turning away from them.

"I honestly can't blame you, he's quite the handsome young man. Well mannered, respectful and disciplined. All good qualities in a man." Rias said staring at the hallway Issei and Y/N ventured down. As Issei emerged followed by a red mass, I knew what came next as the red goo jumped at me.

3rd person PoV...
Issei watched as Carnage bonded to Koneko and once the process was completed he opened the door and walked out followed by the now bloodlusting loli. The two stood twenty feet apart and stared at one another as the rest of the peerage stood watching them. Issei summoned Draigg and allowed Venom to take over as Koneko Let Carnage lose and both looked at each other with malicious intent.

Koneko was the first to strike, using her superior speed she closed the gap in the blink of an eye aiming to strike Issei's head only for Issei to counter it with a shield made of Venom followed by a punch to Koneko's gut, winding her and allowing him to deliver a devastating roundhouse kick which sent her tumbling to the tree line. The Red symbiote recovered quickly and rushed at Issei again going for his legs but Issei jumped and used his wings to soar into the air before attempting to dive bomb Koneko who saw this coming and jumped the the right so she could avoid this attack making Issei crash into the dirt, the impact caused a huge dust storm to kick up giving Venom some visual cover until.

Boost! Boost! Boost!

A green light shone through the dust cloud revealing Issei using his gauntlet to power Venom up. Koneko cautiously took a step back while scanning the area for an escape.

"Our turn." Venom said before vanishing. Koneko began to look around frantically before a fist connected to her jaw setting her barrelling towards the mansion and when she hit the wall she was embedded into it. She coughed up blood looking towards the black symbiote who was slowly approaching who also seemed to be scowling.

"Pathetic." He said venomously. "Y/N put all that effort into training you and this is the result? A weak little rook who can't beat a pawn? You were a waste of time, we should've trained literally anyone else but we chose you." Venom spat causing all the peerage members to collectively gasp and causing Koneko to growl. "Useless, that's all you are. Unwanted, cast out, weak. All because of a power you're to scared to use." Carnage realised what it was that her mothers crush was trying so she remained silent while her host grew angrier and angrier.

"Come on, try to hurt us. Or we could kill Y/N, let's see how much of a reaction that gets out of you." Issei said walking to the house as a web was shot at him before he was yanked backwards. He looked at the source of the webbing to see Koneko standing there without Carnage, visibly without her, but her hair covered her eyes.
"You can insult me, belittle me hell even kill me, but don't!" Carnage began to seep out of her pours slowly. "Threaten" two cat ears popped into existence as Carnage covered her. "Y/N!!" She rushed at Issei who tried to block but the appearance of these ears seems to have enhanced Koneko further allowing her to tear through Issei's arm and get to his chest where she began to tear into him using Carnages' claws until she tore through Venom and exposed Isseis' chest and as she raised her hand to deliver the final blow a voice called out.

"Carnage, hold." The voice said as footsteps came closer. Koneko craned her neck to see Y/N approach the fight. "Carnage, Venom Return." Y/N ordered and both aliens returned to their true host leaving Issei on the ground and Koneko leaning over him with her Neko appendages still on show. Y/n looked at the white haired cat who was now blushing trying recover from the initial shock of Y/N's sudden appearance.

"You look cute with those." He stated before walking back to the house, Koneko and Issei both passed out as exhaustion rapidly set in without the symbiotes to provide them with energy. Y/N looked back and sighed before returning to the duo and slinging them over one of his shoulders.

"Wait, Y/N." Rias called out. Y/n stopped and turned looking at the red leader.
"Are you prepared for tomorrow?" She asked with worry in her voice.

"No, I have two items I will need to collect momentarily and when I return we will discuss a strategy to defeat Riser using the information Venom has gathered. Firstly I will lay my students to rest." He said walking away and as he disappeared from view she smiled to herself.

End of chapter hope you enjoyed.

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